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    German Women’s Role in The Holocaust 

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    Many people believed German were only there to cook clean and have babies but that is false. Some German woman were in the Third Reich. Hitler even stated once ¨Equal rights for women’ ‘means that they receive the esteem they deserve in the sphere nature has assigned to them.¨ Hitler decided that women could be more than what the average person prosived them to be.

    ¨Lower estimates that at least a half million German women were sent out to the Bloodlands during the Second World War as secretaries, radio operators, kindergarten teachers, drivers, nurses, stenographers, racial examiners, filing clerks, wiretappers, “resettlement advisers,” and concentration-camp guards¨ (Lower 1). Women really did as much as they could so men did not have to do the important behind the scenes jobs. Women really play a large roll in the Nazi.

    Women really did do a lot for the Nazi party to make sure it was running smooth. Many times they did work behind the scenes to make sure the men of the Third Reich could stay on the front line of the battle. They did these things so the men did not have too. Some women even enjoyed doing some of these jobs.

    ¨For many of these young women (the average age of a concentration camp guard was 26, the youngest was 15), working in the Bloodlands was “a high-point in their lives” and an escape from the humdrum, often small-town or rural existence back home.¨(Lower 1.)

    So these women like doing these things to get out of there normal routines of life and to experience something new. Some women would even go watch mass shootings that took place. Women enjoyed helping keep the SS men hydrated and fed by setting out a refreshment table. So women even tho the men might not of them as being important they really were.

    Women accomplished these jobs in many ways. They gave up their lives to help these men be able to do there jobs without worry. They did these jobs so they felt they had a purpose and to make a difference. ¨Holocaust couldn’t have taken place without the logistical backup provided by many thousands of German women, who wholly approved of what they were doing, and indeed enjoyed it.¨(Lower 1). Women really did enjoyed it and felt they were needed. Some women did not even argue when they were told to do something they happily accepted and did what they were told.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    German Women’s Role in The Holocaust . (2021, Sep 24). Retrieved from

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