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    Gentrification Of Gentrification And Chicago Essay

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    Mystique CastonMs. JeffersonEnglish 22 february 2016Gentrification and ChicagoGentrification and chicago“Gentrification refers to trends in the neighborhood development that tend to attract more affluent residents, and in the instances concentrates scale commercial investment.”(Bennet,).This means that gentrification can change how a neighborhood is ran or even how much income the community takes in depending on what businesses come in and what class of people decide to invest into that community. In this paper i will be discussing gentrification and and poverty, pros and cons of gentrification, relationships due to gentrification, conflict due to gentrification, reactions/ feelings or of small business owners about gentrification, displacement, and different forms or gentrification .

    Gentrification can affect many different things in a community and after this paper you will understand them all.Gentrification and poverty go together hand in hand. Gentrification can be good and bad for the part of the community that is in poverty. A good way being “by breaking up the semi-permanent poverty patterns, a degree of gentrification can bring in new resources, energy and opportunities.” (Grabinsky) This means by bringing in wealthier people into the community is a chance to make the community better and bring that community out of poverty drought. Gentrification can also put low- income families in a bad position because “policies and regulations that insulate impoverished neighborhoods from gentrification could end up condemning these communities to yet another generation of deep poverty and segregation.

    ”(Grabinsky). This means that due to certain neighborhoods having policies and regulations about starting. .stment and displacement of low-income residents is a process present in cities throughout the U.S., Europe and other developed nations.

    ”(Center for Urban Research and Learning Loyola University Chicago ). “It is a sign of a thriving city to see regular reinvestment and renewal in residential and business districts. New construction and rehabilitation of existing buildings and neighborhoods can be effective in meeting changing demands of both residents and businesses. Such new investment can make a city an attractive place to live and visit. It can also strengthen the tax base, allowing government to be more effective in addressing the needs of all residents.” (Center for Urban Research and Learning Loyola University Chicago ).

    In conclusion gentrification is a harmful and good thing to community in many different ways and after this paper i hope you understand why.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Gentrification Of Gentrification And Chicago Essay. (2019, Feb 14). Retrieved from

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