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    Gentrification As An Ugly Product Of Greed Essay

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    “gentrification as an ugly product of greed. Yet these perspectives miss the point. Gentrification is a byproduct of mankind ‘s continuing interest in advancing the notion that one group is more superior to another and worthy of capitalistic consumption with little regard to social consciousness. It is elitism of the utmost and exclusionary politics to the core. This has been a constant theme of mankind to take or deplete a space for personal gain.

    In other words, it ‘s very similar to the “great advantage” of European powers over Native Americans and westward expansion”(Wharton).Wharton is conveying that gentrification is a system built to allow the more powerful group to apathetically take resources they desire with no immediate consequences. This view is essentially what the fear of gentrification is situated around. If one doesn’t have influence in how their neighborhood is evolving, they are losing control of an important aspect of their life. However, there is still opposition towards these beliefs. In contrast to the negatives of gentrification, some people view gentrification as a the only effective way to “revitalize” low-income urban communities.

    In the article, “Gentrification: A Positive Good For Communities” Turman situates the piece around the opinion that gentrification is not as awful as the negative connotation surrounding it. Furthermore, he attempts to dispel the negative aspects of gentrification by pointing out how some of them are nonexistent. To accomplish this, Turman exemplifies how gentrification could positively impact neighborhoods like Third Ward (a ‘dangerous’ neighborhood in Houston, Texas).Throughout the article, Turman provides copious examples of how gentrification can positively change urban . .rman does admit that gentrification can have a negative impact where he says “In the cities of Chicago and New York, this process gentrification has taken a toll on impoverished citizens leading to a higher than average rate of homelessness and extreme poverty”(Turman).

    This somewhat inconsistent view is shared in the article“The Deeper Problems We Miss When We Attack Gentrification’”,where Badger does acknowledge that gentrification can have negatives such unequal opportunities in the area, such as when she states “Every form of new investment won ‘t bring amenities that would help existing residents. New apartments renting for $2,500 a month won ‘t improve the housing options for a family living on $20,000 a year”(Badger).These lead us to question if there is wrong answer regarding whether or not that gentrification enhances low income neighborhoods in America?”.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Gentrification As An Ugly Product Of Greed Essay. (2019, Feb 16). Retrieved from

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