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    Globalization Essay (1178 words)

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    Globalization Essay 1

    A short history about the appearance of globalization

    In modern science, globalization is considered as an advanced stage of development of the process of internationalization of various aspects of social life: political, economic, and cultural. At this stage, internationalization gradually covers the entire world community, reaching planetary proportions.

    Globalization is a very interesting process, which has many consequences, favorable for both, the economy of a particular country and the economy of the whole world, that is bad and good at the same time. Globalization was the next stage after capitalism, when the world economy began to unite, when countries began to work and develop together, supporting each other or helping each other in certain situations.

    Nowadays, the trade goes all over the world, different countries enter into cooperation agreements and work together on certain projects. Globalization has led not only to the fact that the economy has become general, but it has also led to other consequences. For example, the world has become more open now, people have become more tolerant of each other.

    When people began to conduct business more openly, when resources began to move freely around the arena of the world economy, not only natural resources, but also workers become more open. A person starts to look at the world more widely because he/she understood there are many countries with different economies and rules.

    As far as you can see, globalization is a multifaceted process, covering all spheres of our society.

    Globalization Essay 2

    The concept of globalization, it’s pros and cons

    The scientific and technological revolution has become an impetus for globalization. The powerful impact of the world information system in developing countries has contributed to the nationalization of production and capital. The current information and communication prompts made it possible to distribute full information to an almost unlimited number of consumers. Internet played a crucial role in this process.

    Some people think this is a new process. In fact, globalization existed in the Middle Ages, when people decided to exchange goods with merchants from distant countries. Since 1980, it has begun to move at a faster pace, and different types of globalization appeared. Today, globalization is at its peak.

    The most positive impact of globalization is that people can buy and sell everything they want from all corners of our planet. The Internet has made it easier. People enjoy a variety of choices and prices.

    Globalization also provides an opportunity to learn more about the culture in developing countries. Countries are working to get the best benefits, instead of creating poor quality products. For example, Belgium is good in agriculture and chocolate production, but there is no production of cars. Thus, it can buy cars in Germany or France.

    Another benefit of globalization is the growth of international companies. They can open branches in different countries and create additional jobs for the local population, including college students. But one of the negative effects that globalization has caused is environmental pollution. Construction of new harmful plants causes significant environmental problems.

    Another argumentative drawback is the fact that globalization is gradually destroying cultural identity. This is especially noticeable when Europeans try to impose their traditions and customs on Asian nations. And last but not least: domestic producers are also trained in developing countries. It’s difficult for them to sell their products when people buy everything in the international market.

    To sum everything up, the main advantages of globalization are:

    • It has given rise to international competition.
    • Globalization provoked the economy of production scale, which contributed to the avoidance of jumps in the economy and lower prices.
    • International trade is beneficial to all subjects of market relations; the establishment of trade unions only accelerates the process of globalization.
    • The introduction of modern technology contributes to increased productivity.
    • Developing countries can catch up with advanced states, globalization gives them the opportunity to improve their economic situation and firmly establish themselves on the world stage.

    But it has the following disadvantages:

    • The benefits of globalization can’t be distributed throughout the whole world.
    • The industrialization of the economymanufacturing branches are losing ground, while the flourishing sphere of services is emerging. People have to re-qualify to find their place in this global, changing system.
    • Competition generates a big gap between qualified and unskilled employees.
    • Globalization has a significant impact on the ecosystem of the world.
    • Consequently, globalization is a very serious process affecting the world economy and the life of all countries in the world.

    Globalization Essay 3

    What are the sources of globalization?

    Have you ever heard about globalization? Sound a little scary, right? Don’t panic as this short but persuasive writing in English will explain you its meaning in the simple words, and we’re going to start with its’ definition. Globalization is the process, during which the world turns into a united system.

    At the end of the last century, globalization became an urgent topic for reflection. Discussions about it haven’t stopped yet, and on the contrary, have intensified.

    Globalization implies integration in the economic, cultural, political and religious spheres. However, the most notable is the globalization of the economy. The unification of space into one zone and the unrestricted movement of information resources, capital, labor, goods, and services, free expression of thought, development, strengthening and interaction of social institutions are the concepts of global economic globalization.

    But what are the sources of it? There are some of them:

    • Scientific and technological progress, in particular, the development of the Internet, through which the distance between the states is wasted. Today we have the opportunity to learn news from anywhere in the world, to watch snapshots and videos from satellites in real time.
    • Due to the types of globalization, distance education is available at educational institutions in any country.
    • World trade, which has become freer due to liberal measures.
    • Combining cultural traditions. The mass media become homogeneous, globalized. It has become very popular to talk in English, as the language of trade communication.

    In conclusion, the globalization brings together the whole world with all its advantages and disadvantages. The main motor of globalization on the world market is competition. It literally affects all spheres of production, leaving only the most competitive companies on the world stage. The main disadvantage of globalization is that countries that are beyond the reach of poverty will suffer the most and turn into absolutely backward.

    Globalization Essay 4

    Examples of globalization

    Globalization involves the formation of a single international legal, economic, as well as cultural and informational space. It has positive and negative effects on the word’s formation. Thus, examples of globalization go beyond the standard economic framework, since it ultimately affects the most diverse spheres of social activity, including culture, politics, and ideology.

    First of all, examples of globalization are formed due to objective factors of world development, and this is due to the deepening of the MRI (international division of labor), as well as significant scientific and technological progress in the field of communications and transport, which provides a reduction of economic distance between all countries.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Globalization Essay (1178 words). (2018, Dec 26). Retrieved from

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