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    Genetics In Life Essay (698 words)

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    Genetics In LifeGenetics is the study of the patterns of inheritance of specific traits (Poretto). This knowledge could be used to alter the course of a future human life. This knowledge could even be used to stop a potentially painful life before it starts. Genetic engineering, like any other science, is a tool.

    Like any other tool Genetic Engineering is neither inherently positive nor inherently negative. Genetic engineerings benefits outweigh the potential negatives, and in spite of some people fearing that it is immoral; genetics needs to be continually developed. The first step in eliminating superstition about a topic is to understand that topic. The origins of genetic history lay in the ancient techniques of selective breeding to yield desired characteristics in offspring.

    This is a form of genetic manipulation by “employing appropriate selection for physical and behavioral traits” (Gert 2). The work of an Austrian monk by the name of Gregor Mendel established the quantitative discipline of genetics using garden peas. Mendel’s work explained the inheritance of traits can be stated by factors passed from one generation to the next; in other words, genes. The complete set of genes for an organism is called its genome (Congress 3). Traits are inherited through single or multiple genes. The development of these traits can be explained by environment variables (Congress 3).

    Mendel also correctly surmised that two copies of every factor exist and that one factor of inheritance could be dominant over another (Murphy). The next major step in genetics was deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA. DNA, as a part of genes, was discovered to be a double helix that encodes the blueprints for all living things (Congress 3). DNA is made of nucleotide chains made of four bases. Any ordered pair of bases makes a sequence. These sequences are the instructions that produce molecules and proteins for cellular structure and biochemical functions.

    DNA is packed into chromosomes, of which 23 pairs exist in each cell of the human body. One chromosome of each pair is donated from each parent. Any location on a chromosome where inheritance can be identified and tracked is a marker (Murphy). Markers can be expressed areas of genes (DNA) or some segment of DNA with no known coding function but an inheritance can still be traced (Murphy). Genetic mapping requires the use of these markers.

    Genetic mapping can be used to determine specific traits, such as potential disease, hair color, eye color, and many other traits passed on from generation to generation. Today genetic testing helps forewarn of potential medical problems. However, the ramifications are not clear. The guidelines and knowledge about genetics effect on disease is ever-rapidly increasing.

    Medical geneticists recommend that an informed decision be made before deciding whether or not to get tested. The decision should be based on possible risk, ideally with the assistance of a genetic counselor (Leslie). Even more controversial is the use of genetics before a person is born. An unborn child can be tested for hundreds of genetic diseases.

    Some would argue that this is unfair to the unborn child; that it might lead to an immoral termination of the pregnancy. However, testing might allow for early treatment, or even allow the parents to prepare for a potential difficult childhood. In some cases it might me better for the fetus to be terminated. The key is that the decision is for the parents. Science and religion should not be used to create law removing parents right to choose. Another controverisal use is Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD).

    This allows for screening of genetic traits before artificial insemination. Michael Feinman described it best in his article, Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD). Many ethical questions surround PGD. Some people see the beginning of eugenics the striving towards some hypothetical genetic perfection, along with intolerance of those who are less than perfect. At the present time, we are far away from this. As discussed above, there are definite limits to what can be tested for in the embryo.

    As the technology advances, the medical community, and society at large, will need to define the boundaries of how PGD should be used. If it becomes possible, do we want parents to be able to select for traits like

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Genetics In Life Essay (698 words). (2019, Feb 04). Retrieved from

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