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    Gender Inequality and Sexual Harassment

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    I would like to draw the attention of the people towards gender inequality and sexual harassment in Canadian companies, the infirmity in the laws and how it is affecting the Canadian public. Which can be explained by various examples that will help us to know is the law implemented effectively? and helping people to fight for their rights in companies like KPMG who are fighting against class- action of gender discrimination and sexual harassment and also, A.B. v. Joe Singer Shoes Limited and many more companies show how the code is violated and what could be the repercussions against sexual harassment and gender inequality.

    I personally wanted to talk about this topic because of the growing demand of understanding the suffering and loss of businesses by neglecting this rising issue. Debates and awareness has spread worldwide and if we start to act positively for the cause even from a small scale the effect can be huge. The challenge is to modify the traditional means of working and successful generation and implementation of laws would be assessed in this report in order to get a better understanding of what’s going on in the canadian businesses in context of gender inequality and sexual harassment.

    In my report, I would like to highlight the meaning of inequality and sexual harassment in connection with Canadian companies and present several instances and efforts made by the Canadian government and the public to minimize the equality gap and harassment among each other. And would like to focus on what the Canadian human rights act and bill c-65 include to prevent sexual harassment and discrimination in Canadian companies. And with that, I would like to emphasize on what does the section 15 ad section 28 covers to protect these rights.

    I would also compare the past and present situation of women in business and how they are fighting for their rights under the law, so that they can get equal treatment in the society and would like to point out the contribution of the different unions to protect sexual harassment in companies. This comparison is needed to explain the burning topic of gender inequality.

    I would also like to mention the result of the Public Service Employee Survey made by the Canadian government in respect of sexual harassment and gender equality in businesses and what does the future regulatory plan includes protecting the public from harassment. And would like to add the employer’s responsibility and reasonable efforts towards the policy of inequality and harassment.

    I would like to talk about Canada’s commitment towards the sexual harassment and expansion of gender equality in society and will include the acts passed by the federal government to protect unfair employment practises, wage discrimination and unnecessary barriers that limit employment opportunities and highlight the importance of employee’s mandatory training and education to prevent harassment in the company.

    There are a numbers of legal instrument in Canada to protect equality and sexual harassment namely Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom, Canadian Human Rights Act, Ontario Human Rights Code about which i will be talking in my paper to show how public can use these instrument in their defence to protect from inequality and harassment.

    By doing this research, I expect to find and tell what is sexual harassment and gender inequality mean in the business world, what are the laws passed by Canadian government to protect the equality rights and sexual harassment in companies, what are the futer government stategies, role play of canadian companies to reduce the effect, how complaints of sexual harassment may be brought to the attention of employer, who is entitled to be protected from sexual harassment and finally when does the world see it to will end.

    I am not sure of my final recommendations yet, but I expect to discuss this with you at the time of my first draft.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Gender Inequality and Sexual Harassment. (2021, Jul 28). Retrieved from

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