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    Gender Equality Essay Paper (993 words)

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    We all heard about feminism and suffragist movement, but we do not meet the mentioned phenomenon every day. Whereas gender represents a concept related to daily activities, adjusting our behaviors and worldviews. A community has formed certain patterns of female and male nature, which persons must follow in order not to feel outcasts. It is this fear of violating traditional foundations and writings that make us prisoners, limiting choices and opportunities. It is no coincidence that the whole world spoke about the importance of gender equality as a balance of rights between males and females.

    Concept Evolution

    Achieving gender parity serves one of the purposes of the millennium, for the fulfillment of which caring activists undertook. But the real transformation begins with us, so we should comprehend hooks and trivialities behind the indicated term.

    With its implementation into the everyday lexicon, the question of applying an argumentative approach and practice to the branches of human knowledge arose. Moreover, gender in every sense differs from the word “sex” since it does not mean anatomical or physiological characteristics, but the totality of social statuses, patterns of activity, as well as differences in the intrinsic motivation of the male and female principles.

    Gender roles prescribe certain types and sets of qualities that men and women should possess. Some research writings suggested that behavioral pattern prescribed for a woman by her genetic status affects life aims and expectations. For instance, ladies’ cognitive ability in societies with traditional views fall compared with the men’s ones of the same ages over the years.

    Studies devoted to the criticism of such conservative events as sexism, chauvinism, discrimination and patriarchal foundations, quickly occupied an honorable niche in academic circles. Supporters of the importance of gender equality clearly formulated theses that were not left pure theory but entered into free practice.

    In addition to hostile sexism expressed in statements about feminine inferiority, there is the so-called benevolent type. We are talking about girls’ idealization as clean, fragile creatures that need male protection. It is not surprising that many perceive this kind of sexism as something quite acceptable and even complimentary. However, it aids to keep women out of areas related to power and high position.

    Sexual emancipation, the achievement of social guarantees, the struggle for decent wages followed the verbal squabbles and prompted. However, in a detailed analysis, it becomes obvious that all successes relate only to the past two centuries exclusively to Western models of democracy. The participants in the equality movement have achieved a lot in their work, but the query appears: what is next?

    Advantages of Balanced Order between Both Sexes

    Maintaining gender equality is necessary not only because of its fairness and honesty, but to support men’s preferences and the country’s stability as a whole.

    So, let’s select potential winners of the situation:

    • According to most investigations, regimes with the best gender parity index have the highest criteria for happiness. Nowadays, leadership is held in Europe.
    • Catalyst and other bureaus show the higher the harmony level, the better employees feel, which increases productivity and job satisfaction. Accordingly, a chief does not lose valuable personnel, creating a friendly and efficient crew.
    • Now we are dealing with a new generation, radically different from their predecessors. They want a close relationship with their children, expect a similar return in careers and household from their partners, sharing the joys and troubles of parental status.
    • The data of psychologists and sociologists demonstrate if a man is involved in raising kids, the latter study better in school, show good progress, are less prone to psychological kinks and are healthier. Wives are less likely to experience depression, frequently go to the gym and talk about marriage satisfaction.

    In fairness, we note that some opponents of feminism express concern that the widespread belief in the existing glass ceiling in a feminine career leads to the situation when women are promoted in order to create a good image in business circles, rather than objective assessment of their talents and competencies.

    Difficulty Fighting

    From year to year, various ratings are published showing improvements in the protection of women’s rights, whether they are indices of international organizations or private consulting companies. Here we need to recall an indicator of:

    1. Support for maternity
    2. Skilled medical care during pregnancy
    3. Literacy
    4. Mortality
    5. Education
    6. Employment
    7. Bathroom problem
    8. The struggle against domestic violence.

    As to the authors, this should demonstrate improvement, although, in the last 10–15 years, there have been no real qualitative changes.

    A possible issue consists of convincingly criticizing traditional institutions and values ​​that create unequal relations between males and females; current feminism cannot offer its own positive program. Denying political culture and men’s oppression, the fans put in the first place their own needs, but not world harmony. Do not forget that parity is not when 40% of the places in the Australian parliament or the Tagalog self-defense detachment belong to women only on the basis of their gender and mandatory quotas. Equality is the chance for everyone with the same access to available resources to realize their abilities for the common good.

    There is a perception that feminism has formed a society that is fundamentally vicious, has no future, and finally will ruin itself. It shows examples of the transformation of principles into dogma. The potential hook of gender equality requires resolution, but to allow only persons with populist papers is to be identical to failure. It is probably necessary to reconsider all methods of struggle, referring to both sexes, to the strong and the beautiful half of humanity.


    Thus, gender boundaries should be defined bilaterally since parity is unthinkable in countries with a certain type of political regime. It needs to come to a unified decision on how to avoid the shortcomings of feminist discourse, namely: collective responsibility, the reputational crisis, the denial of merits without subsequent replacement and constructiveness, the pretentious insult to traditional ideas, and the lack of access to the general population.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Gender Equality Essay Paper (993 words). (2018, Dec 13). Retrieved from

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