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    Gender Discrimination In The Workplace

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    By definition, discrimination is, “ prejudicial outlook, action, or treatment ” (Discrimination, n.d.). For hundreds of years discrimination has a been a prominent issue in our world. It is currently still a major issue that we still deal with in today’s society and can even happen unintentionally from a person’s ignorance or stereotyping. discrimination is an issue that can affect everyone, but is most commonly referred to when speaking about gender, race and age. 42% of women have experienced form of discrimination in the workplace because of their gender.

    This is an outrageous number that comes to almost half of the women in the business world. This has been brought to light as recent years we have been taking a closer look into equality for all genders, beliefs, races and religions. Feminism has been on the rise and has brought light into women’s rights both in daily activities and in the office place. Many people still have a narrow minded outlook and think women should stay at home with the children, while the men go out and work. Women are not letting this stigma define how they are going to live their life and how they are going to be treated in the workplace. Many women are wanting to go out get jobs and succeed (From, n.d.)

    Discrimination commonly occurs in the workplace against women. There are a plethora of cases against women being discriminated in the workplace, whether it be salary, job title or the actual jobs they are able to get. Women are constantly being discriminated against whether it is over being denied a promotion, being turned down for a job or being treated like they are not competent enough to complete the job. In fact, According to PewResearch.Org, 4 in 10 women say they have faced workplace discrimination. On the chart to the left, you can see how the in each category, Women are consistently rated higher than men in being discriminated against in the workplace. The Green dots represent the number of women who agreed with the statement, and the yellow dots represent number of men who agree with the statement. (Parker, 2017). One of the major reasons women are being discriminated against rather than men, is because there is a social stigma against women’s ability to succeed in a business environment.

    Another major reason that women are discriminated against in the workplace is because they are often times mothers. People assume that since they are mothers, that they will not return to work after pregnancy or will always be side tracked taking care of their kids. Women are often not taken seriously in the work place because they have

    California hash laws in place in order to prevent discrimination. The Fair Employment and Housing Act is a major law that protects people from being discriminated against. According to the FEHA “prohibits harassment based on a protected category against an employee, an applicant, an unpaid intern or volunteer, or a contractor. Harassment is prohibited in all workplaces, even those with fewer than five employees”. This provides a great security for employees and those alike for being simply harassed.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Gender Discrimination In The Workplace. (2021, Aug 27). Retrieved from

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