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    Gender Discrimination And Gender Equality Essay

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    more and more people trying to incorporate gender equality in all areas of their operations even if some do it to a small extent. Though this effort is much appreciated, more needs to be done to ensure that gender equality is fully gained in all countries of the world. Gender based discrimination is commonplace in the corporate world as very few women hold top executive positions in big companies. Fewer women hold executive offices in multinationals and big companies compared to their male counterparts. This is mainly because it is generally felt that men are more deserving of promotions despite the fact that men may be less productive as compared to a woman.

    Women even after discrimination perform well and do not speak up about the discrimination (Smith, Caputi, and Crittenden 210). This can be attributed to the fact that women, for ages have been suppressed and forced to live with the fact that society does not consider them to be as great as their male counterparts in anything even when they clearly are.The number of women who enter into white collar jobs is higher than men. Around 53 percent of women hold white collar jobs as compared to 47 percent of men (Porter 112). However, the number of women occupying leadership positions is almost negligible. In such situations, when a majority of top positions in corporation are occupied by men, chances of the success of women can only be possible with the help of men.

    It is important that male bosses promote their team members based on their performance and not because of gender. Students attend lecture on gender equality but do not practice what they learn in their real life. There is need to implement theory into practice. College education on gender equality is waste of time . .n to be backward and should not be entertained.

    I believe that gender equality is an ideology whose time has come. Women should be treated equal to men. They should be given all the rights and opportunities that are available to men. I support that women are as competent as men and they deserve all the privileges that men have solely for a long time enjoyed. Moreover, men should get more involved in gender equality movement for with the help of men, the call for gender equality can perverse our society and its constructs realized. However, the move to liberate women from the bondage of gender stereotyping requires concerted efforts of individuals and organizations, institutions and world governments.

    The society must come together and fight this vice that has robbed many women their well deserved opportunities at social, political, economical and academic liberation.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Gender Discrimination And Gender Equality Essay. (2019, Feb 14). Retrieved from

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