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    Gay Marriage and Parenting Essay

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    Today in humanity, Gay parenting Essay and marriage has become publicly accepted by some and rejected by others. Many have come to believe this topic to be immoral and impossible.

    Society has also realized that the average family has developed into many different forms in the last few years. Gay families have developed and are perceived today that raising kids without both a Mom and Dad, deprives the child from being introduced to both worlds. The approach to this debated topic will be to analyze and to defend the “cons” of gay parenting and marriage. Ever since the beginning of creation, God made man and woman to reproduce and create humanity. God never in between allowed or said that same-sex marriage was permissible or was the natural way to create a generation.

    For example in Genesis chapter 19 the story of Sodom and Gomorrah explained the wickedness of the city that mainly strived from homosexuality. Genesis 19:5- And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? Bring them out unto us that we may know them. The city’s perverseness made God infuriated and led to the destruction of that city turning it into fire and brimstone. This gives evidence that homosexuality is a religious sin, which is analogous to many other Biblical prohibitions, like committing adultery which transgresses ethics. According to the Bible, Deuteronomy 32:46- And he said unto them, Set your hearts unto all the words which I testify among you this day, which ye shall command your children to observe to do, all the words of this law.

    It is impossible to raise children when both parents are the same sex because it isn’t natural and goes against biblical standards. In addition, children won’t have the example from their parents to do differently than they do and make better decisions that please God. Some issues that are argued on the topic of gay parenting is that gay parenting is no different from heterosexual parenting. ; Many studies have stated this, but, according to University of Chicago’s professor of ethics and social sciences Don Browning, none of these studies were absolute.

    Other studies show that children raised by homosexuals were more unhappy with their own gender, had more frequent homosexual experiences, and endured a greater rate of molestation by family members (CT). Societies, both gay and straight, view gay parenting as assuming that heterosexual bonding is a given of nature for straight people. Many argue though that this is a matter of fundamental importance. The only purpose of gay marriage is to increase the emotional gratification of two adults. Most of society argues this, and defends their argument that there is no substance or worth to same-sex marriage because it can’t produce a family naturally and goes against what is looked at as normal in humanity. If children have the right to do anything, it would be to begin life with a mother and father.

    Death, divorce, abandonment, – any one of these takes away the existence of a mother or father in a child’s life. But only same-sex marriage would confirm that children are deprived from birth of either a mother or a father. Nowadays, many same-sex advocates are arguing that children do not do better with a mother and a father. To support this theory, they continue to ask, Where are the studies; that prove children do better with a father and a mother? Not only are there no such studies, they claim, but in fact; studies show; that children raised with parents of the same sex do just as well as children raised by a father and a mother. This statement is completely false because recent studies have shown that children growing up with same-sex parents will experience more difficulties in finding their sexual identity than compared to heterosexual children.

    Also they have come to prove that same-sex kids are more apt to mental breakdowns, behavior problems, or would be less psychologically healthy than others (APA). Children of gays and lesbians are very susceptible to get harassed and teased during their time of maturing. Many therapists educate the parents on how life for.

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    Gay Marriage and Parenting Essay. (2019, Mar 10). Retrieved from

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