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    Free Media Violences – Mass Mediated Violenc Essay

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    e Media Argumentative Persuasive EssaysMass Mediated Violence I think that the media have little to do with the increase in violence. Too many people try to place the blame of their actions on someone or something else. I think that there are several steps that should be taken to eliminate violence.

    Factors that are to blame for violence are parents roles in their children’s lives and personal responsibility. Consequences should be more effectively carried out. Alternatives to violence should be encouraged and practiced on a greater scale. I think that the process of discouraging violence should begin at home.

    Parents should raise their children with the values and morals to act responsibly and take the blame for their own actions. Parents should act in a manner than reflects this theory. Most people can control their actions and refrain from violent acts. If parents encourage better behavior then children will carry out this behavior throughout their adult lives.

    When people see violence in the media, they are often shown that there are no consequences of violence. People know the difference between reality and fantasy. In reality, there are consequences, however, they are not always as strict as they could be. People should be aware of these consequences, and they should take responsibility for their own actions.

    My next point is that if consequences were inforced more then this would discourage people from resorting to violence. When people see that others are being punished for their negative actions they will see that “crime doesn’t pay. ” This will prevent more people from committing these crimes and violent acts. People are entertained by violence.

    Media show what audiences are interested in. I think that there is no harm in this. This is when the concept of reality and fantasy become involved. People know that when they are watching these programs they are fake or fantasy. People watch these programs to escape from the real world and retreat to a world of make-believe.

    When people get a grasp on themselves though, they are returned to the real world where consequences occur. There are many alternatives to violence. Classes are offered for anger management. When someone becomes upset and feels like turning to violence they should try several activities to calm down. When people sit down and talk to someone about their feelings, often the tendency to become violent lessens. Another thing that people can try is to write down their feelings.

    This would work if there isn’t anyone around to talk to. Often times, nothing is accomplished through violence. When you talk about problems it is more likely that a solution will occur. I think that people are too irresponsible to accept their own responsibility for their actions. If parents would teach and show their children responsible behavior this would eliminate the problem of violence. If people are shown other methods of self-discipline this would also eliminate violence.

    Media are forms of entertainment and are not meant to be an example of real human conduct. They are an escape from reality. People need to start taking the blame for their own actions and stop blaming it on the media. The media are not forcing consumers to act violently and commit crimes. .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Free Media Violences – Mass Mediated Violenc Essay. (2019, Apr 27). Retrieved from

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