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Essay Examples

How IGNOU MBA Degree Helpful in our Career



Words: 638 (3 pages)

A Job Scope of IGNOU MBA A candidate, who has completed his IGNOU MBA, has a great possibility of supervising a factory or managing the other operations of a company, Taking into account that he has better knowledge and experience compared to others, who do not have an IGNOU MBA degree . Depending on the…

The Importance of Examining Intersectionality and Interlocking Oppression in Social Work

Social Work

Words: 2894 (12 pages)

All over the world, there are societal barriers which restrict marginalized people from living happy, successful lives, and their level of safety in their own neighborhoods, cities, states, and countries. Some of these barriers have impacted my life, such as my disability, my mental health, my queerness, and my sex and presumed gender. Other barriers,…

Intersectionality or How You Present Yourself

Social Work

Words: 549 (3 pages)

In every person, there is a unique formation of social categories that encompass who they are and how the world may perceive them. It is nearly impossible to identify with only one social category and if you do so you may unknowingly neglect other aspects of your identity that affects this one category. The belief…

The History of Intersectionality

Social Work

Words: 1072 (5 pages)

The interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender as they apply to a given individual or group is regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage. The term intersectionality has been around since the late 1980s. It is used to refer to the complex and cumulative way that…

Ethics in Police Administration



Words: 1442 (6 pages)

Abstract This critique aims to dissect two articles on the ethics of different areas of police administration. These articles will be analyzed by their individual strengths and weaknesses. One article focuses on the ethics encompassed by undercover police work and the other focuses on what actual police officers view as the ethical trends and standards…

Impact of Pregnancy on Career (673 words)


Personal Experience


Words: 673 (3 pages)

During the last eleven years I have been working as a professional driver for a national bus company. Although driving for the public can be a very testing career, it has given me the opportunity to engage with the public daily, to face the challenges of working various shift lengths and to become a more…

Accountability: a Necessary Skill Set 



Words: 897 (4 pages)

The necessary skill set I need to improve on is adaptability. I am fearful of change and the uncertainty that comes with change. I believe my strong skill set, time management, I have mastered. That is why I chose to learn more about my weaker skill set. Adaptability can be defined as the ability to…

Social Cognitive Career Theory (1715 words)


Career Goals


Words: 1715 (7 pages)

Working is a crucial aspect of one’s life, it is not just a source of survival but something that gives identity and structure to individual’s life. An individual spends a substantial amount of time working and it impacts every domain of an individual’s life. Career development is a concept that helps individuals understand themselves as…

Impact of Media on Police Officers

Mass Media

Media Bias


Words: 2302 (10 pages)

Hopes to address this area as a means of providing a baseline for media outlets and law enforcement agencies to assist with increasing overall awareness of the day to day actions of officers and how morale can be increased in an anti-police society. For purposes of this study, the Ferguson effect does not directly relate…

Comparing Court Reporting Careers


Words: 1123 (5 pages)

Since graduation is approaching very quickly, I have been thinking a lot about what I want to do after I graduate. I’m a very indecisive person and it is really hard for me to make decisions. This is the one thing that I need to really think about and carefully look at the pros and…

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