Words: 504 (3 pages)
The journey through life is one of profound, ongoing change, rich with opportunity for personal development. They have served as reflections of my own progress and places for improvement. Moments of personal success and contentment are also revealed via introspection. Here are examples of me acting on my convictions by engaging in activities that I…
Words: 532 (3 pages)
The exhilarating sense of promise and uncertainty that the future brings inspires people to envision and carry out their own distinctive futures. Whether driven by personal or professional aspirations, the human mind is wired to plan for the future. This article examines the importance of future planning, the factors that lead to such plans, and…
Self Reflection
Words: 1006 (5 pages)
Epicurean philosophy, founded by the late ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus in the 4h Century BCE, is centered on the idea of pleasure being the highest good, and in order to attain this highest good one must put into practice a certain degree of moderation in order to avert any physical and mental discomfort that accompanies…
Words: 1531 (7 pages)
I conducted my second teaching on last Thursday, November 5″. It was my second time to meet the students after the two weeks break, the topic I prepared for them is choose from the chapter three in Future 3, which is talk about the future plans. Because most of those students work so hard in…
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Self Reflection
The Crucible
Words: 677 (3 pages)
In Author Miller’s book The Crucible, there are many passages of literature that can teach us valuable life lessons. The characters portrayed in this novel all seem to have their own interpersonal issues, but one character seems to stand out. John Proctor is a troubled character and continues to contribute toward his own downfall. It…
Words: 833 (4 pages)
English I was more than I expected. When you come from middle school with all A’s and the confidence that you will reach the stars, you would think that English I in high school would be a breeze. But I was wrong. It seemed like a dream in the first few weeks of school, but…
Hunger Games
Words: 848 (4 pages)
Aristotle, in Nicomachean Ethics, writes about how we must consider whether or not an individual’s acts are voluntary when we are evaluating those acts. Aristotle states that there are three types of actions: voluntary, involuntary, and nonvoluntary actions. In The Hunger Games, each of the tributes has either volunteered to enter the games or have…
Words: 708 (3 pages)
The film, A]. Artificial Intelligence, tells the fictional story of a child robot that is capable of feelings. The robot, David, goes on an adventure throughout the movie, motivated by the love it possesses for its “morn”, Monica. However, a machine cannot act as David did in the movie, where he incorporated mental states, consciousness,…
Words: 295 (2 pages)
When thinking about deviance one tends to associate the concept with something that is out of the ordinary, like breaking the law, and it is usually associated with a negative connotation. From a sociological perspective, deviant behavior is something that strives away from the norm and can be both in positive or negative manner. What…
Words: 368 (2 pages)
When the raw data is compared to the studies done by Glanzer and Cunitz in 1966 and by the serial position effect, the data that I achieved is in line with the prediction of the results. However, when the inferential statistics were calculated I did not achieve a p-value that revealed that the results were…
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