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The Reflection of Mersault’s True Identity in the World in Camus’ Novel The Outsider


The Outsiders

Words: 609 (3 pages)

Stranger. Outsider. Foreigner. All three words are synonyms, yet each has a distinct connotation. A foreigner is a traveler from another land, ignorant of local customs because they are away from their homeland. A stranger is a fellow neighbor, but an unknown face, perhaps a friend that one hasn’t met yet. An outsider is someone…

Account of the 2016 Election: The Outsider Election


The Outsiders

Words: 533 (3 pages)

Many people believe that the 2016 election is to be called the “outsider” election. What makes 2016 a year of the “outsider”‘some may say that it is because the presidential candidates are appealing more to the publics anger than to the usual political policies. Others may say it is due to the fact that there…

A Comparison of the Similarities and Differences Between Albert Camus’ The Outsider and Zack Braff’s Garden State


The Outsiders

Words: 557 (3 pages)

Both Albert Camus’ novel The Outsider and Zack Braff’s movie Garden State share a few similarities. The most obvious aspect that they share is the personality of the main character. Meursault from The Outsider and Andrew from Garden State are both young men, who seemingly live life without any emotions. While both men follow a…

Frederick Douglass’ Speech: Why as there Been so Many Different Views Against Race?

Character Analysis

Frederick Douglass

Narrative of The Life of Frederick Douglass

Words: 767 (4 pages)

Racism has been going on for as long as we can remember. Especially in the 1800’s, many things occurred, that affected society today. In Frederick Douglass’ speech, he uses the Pentad method by describing his experiences, that happened in the 1800’s. For some reason the whites have always been superior against any other race, especially…

An Analysis of the Contrasting Ideas that Media is Overtly and Inferentially Racist and the Outsiders in Media Produced for Minority Groups


The Outsiders

Words: 806 (4 pages)

Last week, James Lull’s “Hegemony” and Stuart Hall’s “Deconstructing the Popular” discussed how dominance is asserted over other cultures. Both actively and passively. As I mentioned in my response last week, Lull tends to favor a more passive model of hegemony. While Hall describes the process as “active marginalization.” This combination of active and passive…

The Three Life Lessons Learned by Ponyboy in The Outsiders, a Novel by S. E. Hinton


The Outsiders

Words: 512 (3 pages)

E. Hinton’s The Outsiders is a coming-of-age novel for the protagonist and narrator Ponyboy Curtis. Ponyboy learns many life lessons throughout the novel, but there are three that stand out in particular. In the beginning of the book Ponyboy he learns that everyone has their own set of problems even if they have money. Cherry…

The Expression of Powerful Human Experiences in The Outsiders by Susan Eloise Hinton


The Outsiders

Words: 913 (4 pages)

“Powerful novels are valued for expressing views about human experiences”. The novel we have been studying in class is called “Outsiders”, and I will use this book and discuss the above statement. Susan Eloise Hinton is the author of this book, in which she wrote when she was still in high school. The Outsiders show…

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