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Learning the Best from David Sedaris

David Sedaris


Words: 603 (3 pages)

The world today is full of writers that have different styles of writing. My style of writing of way different than Stephen Kings style of writing. David Sedaris is a unique writer. When I read Remembering My Childhood on the Continent of Africa I notice his style of writing. I learned several things from Sedaris,…

Parental Enmeshment in Song of Solomon, a Novel by Toni Morrison


Toni Morrison


Words: 506 (3 pages)

The critical essay by Gary Storhoff discusses the origins of the psychological issues of Macon, Pilate and Ruth which leads to the parental enmeshment towards their children. The essay is separated into three parts, each section focusing on Macon and Pilate, Ruth, and Milkman, respectively. The arguments he sought to make made Macon not the…

The Symbol of the Gray Ball in Sula, a Novel by Toni Morrison


Toni Morrison


Words: 643 (3 pages)

In Toni Morrison’s novel Sula, the character Nel discovers her husband Jude having an adulterous affair with her closest friend, Sula. After Nel sees Jude and Sula, her husband leaves her and she leaves her friend. After the betrayal of Jude and Sula, Nel begins to see a “quiet, gray, dirty…ball of muddy string” (109)…

A Character Analysis of Maggie in Recitatif by Toni Morrison


Toni Morrison

Words: 539 (3 pages)

In the story “Recitatif” by Toni Morrison I believe that Maggie is the most important character. She brought the two main characters, Twyla and Roberta, together. Maggie also represents the two main characters mother’s. Maggie is also the last person we are left thinking about at the end of the story. She has a connection…

The Subject of Projected Reification in The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison


Toni Morrison


Words: 554 (3 pages)

Projected reification is when an individual puts onto others a sort of hate that they have for themselves. One cannot constantly live hating themselves; to overcome that, they allow it to radiate around them. This is generally demonstrated as the creation of stereotypes. Projected reification follows a gradual course, starting with self-reification, and if severe…

The Truth in Child Labor in William Blake’s Two Versions of the Chimney Sweeper


Child labor



Words: 661 (3 pages)

In William Blake’s poems “The Chimney Sweeper (1789),” and “The Chimney Sweeper (1794),” Blake explores the immorality of forcing children to work as chimney sweeps and how it affects their lives. Through contrasting his two poems by using paradox, diction, and metaphor, he illuminates the atrocity of child labor that is taking place in eighteenth…

Child Labor in The Chimney Sweeper by William Blake


Child labor



William Blake

Words: 698 (3 pages)

William Blake, known for his renowned work during the Romantic era, earned a spot as one of the best known poets in the English language. Having had many spiritual visions, William Blake was inspired to incorporate his visions into his work. Among his works lie Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience which exemplify different…

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