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    Computer Science: College Admissions

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    The computing industry as a whole becomes more prosperous, exciting and attractive as an employment prospect each day. It spans a wide range of modern applications, as does my interest in the subject. I see computing science as a gateway into new realms of computing, where the highly challenging and demanding work may reap rewards of an equivalent level.

    My knowledge has grown over the past six years, outwith the areas of learning offered by school courses, and I see this course as an opportunity to gain new skills and broaden my knowledge further. My main interests are varied, including communications and the internet, system analysis and design, software development, processors and low level machine studies.

    I have recently developed an interest in data encryption, hence my active participation in the RSA RC64 Secret-Key challenge, the latest international de-encryption contest from the RSA laboratories of America.

    In school, I have participated in two I.T. competitions with the Royal Bank of Scotland, the first of which provided a solution to Macintosh emulation on the Amiga platform, and this year, I am leading a team of five pupils to design a network solution and website for the new school here in Ullapool. I was also marketing director of a Young Enterprise team, gaining a credit pass in the exam, and producing a tourist brochure that has been a commercial success. I found that an invaluable learning experience due to the teamwork involved.

    I have also attended the Air Training Corps for two years, am currently a Senior cadet corporal and attained a credit pass in the recent exam..

    My other hobbies are equally varied, including Palaeontology, Geology and Snowboarding. For seven years I have been involved in the treatment of casualties, and administration at the Highland Wildlife Hospital Trust, run primarily by my parents. I have also enjoyed active involvement in the running of our guest house, and have found the interaction with many people from all over the world to be a very rewarding experience, providing me with an insight into other countries and cultures, and instilling in me an open mind.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Computer Science: College Admissions. (2019, Feb 24). Retrieved from

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