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    The five central characters Essay

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    Eric was the next character involved; he took advantage of Eva and slept with her. When Eva became pregnant he stole money from his father’s business to give to her and when she found out about it, she refused to take any more. “She told me she was going to have a baby… I was in a hell of a state about it” (Act three pg. 53 Eric). This obviously shows Eric cared about the well being of Eva and as he offered her money it shows he wanted to help. Compared to the other characters his attitude afterward was much like Sheila’s and felt he had learnt a lesson from the whole thing.

    Mrs Birling was the last character to have an impact on the life of Eva Smith. She persuaded her charity to refuse aid to Eva, even though she had a child to look after and no job or husband. “You admit being prejudice against Eva’s case? ” (Act two pg. 43 The Inspector). Compared with the other characters Mrs Birling was much like Mr Birling in retaining her argument that she did nothing wrong and she accepts no blame for what happened. Her decision was the final blow that pushed Eva towards suicide as she felt she could find no more help.

    Out of the characters, Gerald and Eric actively tried to help Eva (even though it was Eric who put her in the situation he helped her with). This shows that the both cared about Eva to an extent and I think therefore the least responsible characters. Sheila was unfair to Eva and got her fired on purpose, this makes her quite responsible, however she was upset and sorry for what she had done and has obviously learnt a valuable lesson from the whole experience. I think that the majority of the responsibility lies with Mr and Mrs Birling, as they weren’t sorry for what they had done.

    Also, Mr Birling had started the whole thing and Mrs Birling made the final blow, if either of them had been nicer then the whole thing wouldn’t have started or may have ended there. Another point is that they both intended harm and were selfish in what they did, they didn’t think of the welfare of Eva at all. In conclusion I think it was mainly Mr and Mrs Birling to blame, Gerald being the least, Eric after that and Sheila afterwards. In my opinion the blame should lie most with those who mean harm and aren’t remorseful for what they do afterwards.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The five central characters Essay. (2017, Nov 05). Retrieved from

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