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    Finding Success Essay (596 words)

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    Being successful to me is a dream, a dream that I want to turn into reality. Life has never been easy on me, I come from a single parent home just like many people do but mine came with a very sad plot twist. Since the age of three I lost contact with my father, one day I was told to give my dad a goodbye hug and kiss, I watched him walk through the door thinking he would come back in a few hours. At the time I was too young to understand that my father the man I saw as my hero, my first love he was leaving me because he had made some wrong decisions and now had to pay for what he had done.

    Little did my family know that the man who claimed to be strong and said he would make thing better for us was scared he didn’t want to be away from the beautiful family he had created. He was astonished that all he had worked for everything was falling apart because of one mistake. My father choose to flee the country thinking he could be able to start a whole new life in a different place, leaving my mother in debt and to struggle with raising three children on her own.

    When I was fourteen I got the opportunity to become very close to him all over again. Everything was going great, until I found out a my dad had been lying to me, the man who was my best friend become a stranger in my eyes. As of December of two thousand twelve my dad has been in prison. The following eighth of May my grandmother passed away, losing two very important people in my life caused me to fall into a very deep depression.

    Because of my depression I developed an eating disorder, losing weight was the only thing that made me happy. A few months later I was being hospitalized because one of my kidneys was not functioning properly. My mother was standing next to me, I could see it in her eyes her emotions where a huge mix of disappointment, fear, and vulnerability. That’s when I realized that I was making a huge mistake, not only was I hurting myself but also the people who loved me.

    Determined to battle against both my depression and eating disorder I began to change my life for the better. It took a lot of determination, there was times when I felt like giving up but my mom was my biggest supporter she motivated me so much constantly reminding me of how I promised her I would be successful. I went to many therapy sessions, but honestly they didn’t help me much. So I chose to read books about how to be successful, they motivated me to reach my goals and make my mom proud.

    About five months later I defeated my eating disorder I was no longer the lanky girl who weighed eighty seven pounds, I was a strong minded girl who had a desire to succeed in everything she did. I now see how much she has sacrificed to be able to give me the life I have, for that I will always be thankful that I was blessed with a mother like mine. We were brought into this crazy world for a reason, I like to think the reason I am here is because I am going to be extremely successful someday, and I will be able repay my mother for all she has done.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Finding Success Essay (596 words). (2018, Aug 04). Retrieved from

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