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    Fear of Being Misunderstood Essay

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    Understanding, love, caring is the keys to a good relationship. There should be no place for misunderstanding, if there is one you are on the shaky ground. Being misunderstood is when your intension is been proved wrong or different or when you mean something else and something really different totally different happens, against your intensions or expectations. When I 14yrs old my nature was kind of bubbly, I was sociable. But my dad always stopped me going out with friends. I couldn”t talk to boys. My parents are form India and they brought with them in Canada their old fashioned way of thinking.

    Once when I was in India, my dad saw me hugging a boy. He was one of the popular boys in my school and was my best friend. My dad took me home and he told my mom all about that and made it a big issue. Then as a punishment he took away my TV, my computer and even my phone. I was constantly trying to explain myself but he didn”t want any explanations. I was feeling so frustrated just like when your expectations are proved wrong. An explanation would have solved this problem if he has given me the chance to explain. I was frustrated because my parents took away my things and I couldn”t do anything.

    I was so angry because they gave me the punishment without knowing the reason why did I hug him or what do I think about that boy. But the reality was that I hugged that boy just to thank him as he helped me to get out of some trouble. And most of all he was my best friend not more then that. Not taking care of somebody”s explanations, announcing his/her decisions can create a big web of misunderstanding. Listening to explanations, understanding the person in front of you, you definitely can avoid the problem of being misunderstood.

    If I could get the chance I would have discussed the matter with my parents and would have placed my views in front of them. To understand somebody you have to put your foot in another person”s shoe. A victim with this kind of fear could cause a person: – depression, lack of confidence and even to commit suicide in some cases when it is unbearable. You feel frustrated when you or your intentions are consider wrong by some other person and the only way to overcome this is to have a talk, discussion or an objective conversation.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Fear of Being Misunderstood Essay. (2018, Jun 10). Retrieved from

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