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    Explanatory Summary of “Is Facebook Making Us Lonely” Sample Essay

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    17 September 2012Explanatory Summary of “Is Facebook Making Us Lonely”In the Stephen Marche’s May 2012 publication in The Atlantic. “Is Facebook Making us Lonely” . explores the history and use of societal networking along with the most recent theories in order to reason that societal networking depends on the user’s motivations non. societal networking itself.

    Facebook does non make solitariness. but it does non kill off it either. It all depends on 1s use. Marche begins his article with a narrative. The narrative is about Yvette Vickers. a former playfellow and actress.

    who died months before anyone realized she was dead. Although. Vickers had devoted fans she merely connected with them through societal networking. This informs the reader that Vickers had no close companies. due to the fact that it took so long to detect her decease. It was discovered that her computing machine was on when she died.

    Marche describes Vickers’s narrative because it dramatically highlights the intense solitariness a individual experiences when they have no existent human companies. merely practical 1s. The Los Angeles Times posted about Vickers’s decease. It immediately went viral.

    Her decease increased a turning fright of solitariness. Vickers received much more attending in decease so she did in her last old ages of life. Soon Vickers’s celebrity began to melt.

    Marche includes this information to demo that Facebook and Twitter “trends” aren’t existent heartache and they merely last a brief minute. Following Marche explains.

    the manner Internet has begun to do our society less societal. doing us lonelier. Marche uses big figure sums of money and yeas to demo how much is invested doing the reader to forma an sentiment that Facebook has high influential inclinations. Marche explains the misrepresentation of Mark Zeckeberg. In The Social Network. He explains this as it pertains to his article “ Is Facebook Making Us Lonely? ” Marche provinces.

    “Facebook. arrived in the center of a dramatic addition and strength of human loneliness” ( 62 ) . Eric Klinenberg. a sociologist at NYU. explains that it is truly about the quality non so much the measure of societal networking. Marche describes how Eric Klinenberg gives the assorted trials to people to see if they are lonely and about the epidemic of solitariness.

    which plays into if loneliness causes the alone people revert to the societal web. Furthermore. Marche explains to the reader that in the 1940s professional and societal services were non in such high demand as they are in 2010. Marche’s account for this is the social dislocation. He besides states that solitariness puts those at a greater hazard for many things such as: fleshiness and redness.

    Marche says solitariness is something normal with Americans. When Americans get money they buy something better and less populated. Stating all of this Marche explains this because it besides gives grounds to his thesis. Marche says one common characteristic in American civilization is its jubilation of the ego.

    Which. Franklin Delano Roosevelt. former president. calls individuality “ The great war cry of life” . Marche explains that Americans are lonely because they want to be. but the inquiry is.

    Is Facebook doing us to divide or convey us together? Gathering for heat or go forthing us in hurting? Marche makes it clear that he has no existent definite sentiment. but indicates in a manner for the reader to deduce some thought of their ain. Marche says it is non merely Facebook doing solitariness but the Internet itself. He explains how a outstanding 1998 article by a squad of research workers explains how the addition in Internet additions with solitariness. Yet it may be that Facebook encourages contact with people outside of our family.

    Alone people are inclined to pass more clip on Facebook. Yet another research survey by Mona Burke. until late a alumnus pupil at the human-computer institute at Carnegie Mellon. besides discovers that grounds for Facebook varies.

    for illustration it could be used for concern intents. Interactions with others. to detect long lost relations etc. The list goes on.

    Marche includes all of this information because it provides research on the fact that non all people that use Facebook are needfully lonely. Marche goes into item about Jon Cacioppo’s. the manager of the Center for Cognitive and Social Neuroscience at the University of Chicago and the world’s taking expert on solitariness. Marche explains how Cacioppo reveals how much solitariness is impacting human psychological science. To Cacioppo. Internet communicating allows “ersatz intimacies” ( 68 ) .

    Marche tells the reader that in one of Cacioppo’s experiments. Cacioppo looked for a connexion between solitariness of the topic and comparative frequences of their interactions. In Cacioppo’s survey he concluded with if one uses Facebook to increase face to confront interaction. so it increases societal capitol. nevertheless if you turn to media alternatively of physical activity so that is unhealthy. Cacioppo provinces Facebook can be terrific if it is used decently.

    Marche goes into item about John Cacioppo’s research on solitariness to supply other sentiments and research on the thought “Is Facebook Making Us Lonely” . Marche continues with saying that solitariness is non caused by the societal media. but Americans are doing themselves to be lonely. The new engineerings lure Americans to superficial interactions. Marche says that Facebook allows its users to be themselves without the embarrassment of world. Facebook gives its users a sense of felicity.

    This cause the reader to bespeak that Facebook is non all bad. but this is non Marche’s point precisely. His point is to give grounds and facts to back up his thesis. The writer continues his article and brings about Sherry Turkle.

    a professor of computing machine civilization at MIT. Marche explains that Turkle is much more disbelieving of the on-line society. She feels that the job with societal networking is that it is uncomplete. It does non give the full connexion with existent worlds.

    Marche negotiations about Lanier and Turk and their diagnosings of NPD and how it was right. Egotistic personality upset ( NPD ) is a status in which people have a utmost sense of self- importance and a high preoccupation with themselves. Lanier and Turk survyed 35. 000 people of egotistic personality upset ( NPD ) .

    One in 16 Americans has NPD. Marche feels the danger with Facebook is that it threatens the American nature of purdah. Facebook revealed that it is non the same as a existent human face to confront interaction. Facebook does non give its users the pleasance to bury our concerns. but a opportunity to unplug signifier world. So this all concludes to that Facebook does non do solitariness but it is a manner to ease it.

    To give false companies and to convey communicating.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Explanatory Summary of “Is Facebook Making Us Lonely” Sample Essay. (2018, Oct 21). Retrieved from

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