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    Ethical Dilemma Businesses Have In a Profit Driven Economy

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    This article goes in depth to argue the ethical dilemma that many businesses have in a profit driven economy. Despite the need for growth, today’s climate makes business owners and CEOs have an altruistic perspective and be mindful of things like work conditions, wages, internal and external conflict all while staying profitable.

    It touches on what businesses should or should not do in regards to certain issues to avoid a hostile work environment and create a climate with a strong moral compass. Although the author maintains a good balance of how he views certain moral issues, he doesn’t remove his bias completely, and that is apparent throughout the article.

    The author is critical of global business in the sense that some regulations don’t always apply, but they make it known that they are establishing the normative role of business. The author backs this up with factual analysis which helps with the reliability of his writings.

    Decision making by leaders, managers, and directors is an important aspect for all business, and this article goes in depth looking at making decisions while doing so in an ethical way. Due to the fact that businesses need to pay attention to minute details that can dictate a company’s success and performance, decision making in an ethical way is of the utmost importance as explained in this article. Ethical decision making is explained to help create a workable climate where employees or stakeholders value the work environment and their quality of work as much as company executives, also known as stockholders.

    By walking the line between these two groups of people, the author suggests the best possible environment to work in will increase productivity. This author writes in a way that engages the author in a way where they get a sense that the author truly relates to them individually. I think it’s very effective, but also has a decent amount of bias in his findings.

    This article talks about how over the years businesses have adapted the practice of making ethical business methods practical and valued for not only their employees but also their consumers. The institutionalization of these values is now at the forefront of business objectives where at one point it was something often overlooked and undermined.

    The author uses references from the 1960’s through the 1980s to show the progress of morality from local mom-and-pop stores all the way to global corporations. The author uses facts as opposed to opinions he formed to present the article with as little bias as possible.

    However, the author writes with a personal tone and feels like he’s close with the reader rather than keeping in an academic nature. The author also uses a specific instance relating to the Levi company, which present the reader with a way to relate to the material presented. This example shows how ethical standards in certain workplaces grew and changed over time.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Ethical Dilemma Businesses Have In a Profit Driven Economy. (2021, Sep 24). Retrieved from

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