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    Ramayana Essay

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    In the Ramayana by Valmiki each character was unique in there own way which made the story interesting. Rama, Sita, and Ravana each were connected and had there tie in with each other. Each had there own unique tragic flaw that lead to there own unique conflict. Rama’s tragic flaw was that he is loyal and that lead to his human vs self conflict. Sita’s tragic flaw is that she is too naive and that leads to her human vs human conflict. Last but not least Ravana’s tragic flaw is that he is cocky and this leads to his human vs human conflict.

    The main character in the in the text is the brave husband Rama. Rama’s tragic flaw is that he’s loyal. This tragic flaw is shown on page 342 when the text says, “tell me what i must do. i will obey my father even if he wishes me to drink poison and die. ” This part of the text demonstrates Rama’s tragic flaw because it shows how strong his loyalty is to his father. This tragic flaw leads to Rama’s internal conflict because he wasn’t sure if he made the right decision. This conflict is evident on page 352 when the text states,”my heart knows that sita is pure… et my subjects force me to renounce my devoted wife for a second time. ” Rama’s conflict in this passage is character vs self. The conflict is related to his tragic flaw because his loyalty made him chose over his subjects causing him to feel guilty. The second main character in the text is Rama’s wife Sita. Sita’s tragic flaw is that she is too naive making her easily fooled. This tragic flaw is show on page 347 when the text says, please rama… follow that deer and capture it for me. This part of the text demonstrates Sita’s tragic flaw because she actually believes that she is seeing a golden deer. This tragic flaw leads to sita’s external conflict because she is easily fooled by ravana’s trick. This conflict is evident on page 349 when Sita steps out of the magic circle to aid the old man and the old man changes into rawana abducting Sita. Sita’s conflict in this passage is character vs human. The conflict is related to her tragic flaw because by being naive she was easily fooled and ended up being abducted.

    The third main character in the text is the evil Ravana. Ravana’s tragic flaw is that he’s cocky. This tragic flaw is show on page 357 when the text says, ” Ravana was so certain of victory. ” This part of the text demonstrates Ravana’s tragic flaw because he believed with out a doubt that he was going to win the battle. This tragic flaw leads to Ravana’s external conflict because he under estimated Rama. This conflict is evident during the last battle of the story when Rama and his army defeat Ravana. Ravana’s conflict in this passage is character vs human.

    The conflict is related to his tragic flaw because his cockiness leads to his defeat. In essence, all the characters are driven into their conflicts by their conflicts by their tragic flaws. Rama deals with his internal conflict because of his loyalty. Sita deals with her external conflict because of her naiveness. Lastly, Ravana deals with his external conflict because of his cockiness. These tragic flaws and conflicts connect the characters because each of there tragic flaws connected them to have a conflict with each other.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Ramayana Essay. (2018, Oct 21). Retrieved from

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