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Photograph of a Migrant Mother Essay


Words: 731 (3 pages)

“Dorothea Lange was one of the best of the American photographers who used their art to document, and ultimately to alleviate, the human suffering caused by the Great Depression of the 1930s. As she viewed it, photography was not an end in itself, but a means of exploring the world so as to improve it….

Poetry Explication of “The Ex-Basketball Player” Essay


Words: 762 (4 pages)

The poem “The Ex-Basketball Player” by John Update dramatists the conflict between dreams and reality In the case of Flick Webb. Flick shows such promise In his teenage years, but he ends up in the pathetic reality of helping out at a garage and playing pinball in a luncheonette. The poem begins with the description…

Andy Warhol: Biography Essay (794 words)

Andy Warhol

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In the sass he was known as a very successful commercial artist and won overall awards from the Art Director’s Club and the American Institute Of Graphic Arts. It was around this time he shortened his last name to “Warhol”. In 1952 he had his first art show at Hugo Gallery and had his first…

Prehistoric Art~Cave Paintings Essay


Visual Arts

Words: 760 (4 pages)

Many have agreed that survival ND ceremonial reasons contribute the most to the meaning behind the cave art. Some still believe they were being decorative, and some of them might have been, but we don’t really know. We wonder where the idea first started, this form of ‘art. I think that someone wanted to express…

Hoover v. rosevelt Essay (857 words)


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Hoover v. RoseveltA liberal favors modification and generally utilizes government involvement to promote social change. On the other hand a conservative has a more traditional viewpoint and tends to oppose change. While President Hoover is commonly thought of as a conservative and President Roosevelt a liberal the disarray and the status of the nation gave…

American theatre: what’s to like? Essay


Words: 764 (4 pages)

1. The audience. I like to go to the theatre as much for the audience as for the experience of the play. I am as moved by the concordance of individuals, sitting quietly and facing in the same direction, listening, as I am by the energy coming off of the stage. When I write a…

Rocking horse winner story vs movie Essay



Words: 745 (3 pages)

The short story, “Rocking-Horse Winner”, and the movie based on it contrast considerably. When the written story has ended the movie continues with ideas, which may not come from the author. Three major differences of the two are: the mother, the father, and the ending. In the movie the mother, Hester, is portrayed as a…

William Bradford Argumentative Essay

Argumentative Essay

Words: 816 (4 pages)

William Bradford “If a tree falls but no one is there to see it, does it really fall?” This quote explains the very logic of history. Throughout the course of history, many significant occurrences have shaped our society to what it is today: free. William Bradford not only lived through a symbolic historical cornerstone of…

The dramatic success Essay (732 words)


Words: 732 (3 pages)

Following The Reverend Parris’ plea to “cast out the devil” Mary, unsurprisingly, is unable to take the circumstances of being pressured much longer and becomes hysterical. She “screams” and has an “evident fit”. The suspense which has been building during Mary’s questioning has come to a climax and the scene becomes overwhelmed with drama when…

The novel Reading in the Dark Essay



Words: 736 (3 pages)

The extract, titled “Feet”, from the novel Reading in the Dark by Seamus Deane, depicts a young boy observing the passing of his younger sister. While being crouched under the table and shrouded behind a tablecloth, the boy is merely a spectator of the situation. While contemplating the pairs of feet of his family members,…

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