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The History of Space Exploration Essay

Space Exploration

Words: 597 (3 pages)

People have been venturing out into the universe for many years now. In addition to satellites, both women and men astronauts have traveled into space to collect data about the universe. The first human being, the first animal, and the first spacecraft in orbit, were all achievements of the Soviet Union. In 1958 a group…

Gerhard Richter: A German Miracle

Biography Essay

Words: 598 (3 pages)

Biography Talking about the biography of this German miracle is a very big honor. While reading, you will find out why is it so. Gerhard Richter is a very famous painter, artist, and photographer. He has produced abstract artwork as well as photorealistic paintings, photographs, and glass pieces. He was born in Dresden but grew up…

Essay on Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Sir Gawain And The Green Knight

Words: 435 (2 pages)

In part four of this tale the theme that is advanced is chivalry, honor and human weakness. As Gawain goes to meet the Green Knight we get the feeling of dread by the authors description of the weather outside. It is bitterly cold and snowing. The wind is whipping around Gawain as he travels (115)….

Time Management as a Learned Skill Essay

Time Management

Words: 480 (2 pages)

There is a six-step program for improving time management. Determine your life goals, whether they are short term or long term. Ask yourself questions and probe yourself deeper into how you plan to achieve these goals, and where youll set up check points to make sure that youre on track. Then proceed to what are…

Liberal Arts Argumentative Essay

Argumentative Essay

Liberal Arts

Words: 477 (2 pages)

Robert Harris describes the brain as a muscle and like a muscle, the brain can enhance by many types of studies thus strengthening the mind. Liberal Arts teach students how to properly learn. Through knowing how to learn, students can understand new information easier and faster. When an individual learns something new, the brain can…

Computer Science Degree Needed or Not Essay

Computer Science

Words: 473 (2 pages)

Today with the job market as versatile as it is in the computer field, a degree is a very valuable asset even though a job can be obtained without it. There are many students who feel that work experience is much more beneficial than the actual degree. Look at Bill Gates whom left Harvard to…

The Great Gatsby And The American Dreams Essay

American Dream

The Great Gatsby

Words: 436 (2 pages)

The American Dream’s most basic definition is that anyone from any beginning could achieve wealth and status. Gangsters rose to power, taking advantage of Prohibition and turning to bootlegging turning a pretty profit. Immigrants from all over Europe used this as motivation to find a better life in America. This idea of “rags to riches”…

Compare the story The Allegory of the Cave, and the movie The Matrix Essay

Allegory Of The Cave


Words: 591 (3 pages)

To be told what you know will build up a boundary what you think you know. In both the Allegory of the Cave and The Matrix people were told by “enlightened” ones what the truth is about life. Although the subjects found it hard to believe they one day would find out that the truth…

What is Humanism? Essay (539 words)


Words: 539 (3 pages)

Humanism was a new way of thinking that came about in fourteenth century, the time of the Renaissance. Many scholars refer to it as the Spirit of the Renaissance. Humanism was a lay phenomenon that emphasized human beings as opposed to deities as well as their interests, achievements and capabilities. Humanism is derived from the…

Adopting a Growth Mindset Essay

Growth Mindset

Words: 561 (3 pages)

Essentially there are two types of learners with contrasting traits and obtain completely different viewpoints on learning. You have individuals with a growth mindset and individuals with a fixed mindset. Ideally, a person that contains a fixed mindset believes they have limitations in learning and completely unacknowledged their weaknesses. The contrasting group which are growth…

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