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Music Of The 1920s And 1930s Essay



Words: 370 (2 pages)

Durring the nine-teen twentys and thirties the music scene was as popular as ever. There was the Jazz Era durring the twenties and the Swing Era durring the thirties. Merging into the early twenties a type of improvised music , called Dixieland Jazz was being recorded. Famous artists includeing Louis Armstrong and Kid Ory were…

The Issue Of The Transgender Essay


Words: 398 (2 pages)

Against Transgenders Transgender is when an individual tries to switch genders. The term “transgender” is becoming more and more well known throughout the United States. Research has proven that “…65% of Americans said they have a close friend or family member who is homosexual, while 9% said that they have one who is transgender” (Steinmetz…

George Lucas’ Star Wars: A New Hope Essay

Star Wars

Words: 314 (2 pages)

American epic space opera film[S] written and directed by George Lucas. It is the first film released in the Star Wars saga and is the fourth in terms of the series’ internal Groundbreaking in its use of special effects and science fiction/fantasy storytelling, the original Star Wars is one of the most successful and influential…

17Th Century Poetry Essay (537 words)


Words: 537 (3 pages)

The seventeenth century was a time of difficult changes and uncertainties. During these chaotic years many poets and philosophers expressed their thoughts and emotions through literature. This paper will briefly describe the seventeenth century and will include quotes and philosophies of poets such as John Donne, John Milton and Richard Lovelace. Life in the seventeenth…

Man And Superman monologue from the play by George Bernard Shaw Essay


Words: 390 (2 pages)

A monologue from the play by George Bernard Shaw NOTE: This monologue is reprinted from Man and Superman. Bernard Shaw. New York: Brentano’s, 1903. TANNER: You, Tavy, are an artist: that is, you have a purpose as absorbing and as unscrupulous as a woman’s purpose…. The true artist will let his wife starve, his children…

Abortion in America Essay (421 words)


Words: 421 (2 pages)

One of the most debated issues in America is abortion: Pro-life or pro-choice. This is a decision that each person has to make for him or herself. Many people say that abortion is the woman’s choice. I firmly believe, however, that if the woman is willing to have sex, she should be willing to suffer…

Timothy’s brother Peter Essay (382 words)


Words: 382 (2 pages)

In the play, ‘The Devil’s Disciple’ by George Bernard Shaw, the playwright shows a lot of conflict between the ‘good’ and ‘bad’. In Act 1, Scene 1, he conflicts the behaviour of Mrs Dudgeon and Anthony Anderson in many ways. Starting with Mrs Dudgeon’s first line, it is spoken “sharply. ” In the stage directions,…

Have we learnt from the Holocaust? Essay

The Holocaust

Words: 400 (2 pages)

The question of whether “we” have learnt from the Holocaust can only be answered through clarifying what lessons were meant to be learnt from the Holocaust. The crucial lessons that were meant to be learnt from the Holocaust include the importance of remembrance, the dangers of states given absolute power without legal framework and the…

Home Schooling Essay (500 words)


Words: 500 (2 pages)

Is home schooling a better option for our children? I believe that the author’s main point is that there are two dissimilar types of group’s that home school, and additionally that parents can customize there children’s schooling is a “Consumer mentality”. The two categories of home schooling have “Emerged”, both of which is complicated about…

Paradise Lost By Milton Essay (569 words)

Paradise Lost

Words: 569 (3 pages)

Paradise Lost Milton writes Paradise Lost in the tradition of a classic epicpoem. All epic poems contain some common features. Milton follows this outlinewith great precision and style. His poem uses the guidelines of an epic poem andelaborates upon them to make his poem one of the most popular epics written. Inhis poem, Milton uses…

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