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Reaction Paper: the Notebook Essay


Words: 516 (3 pages)

In the movie “The Notebook”, the meaning of unconditional love was emphasized through what happened in the characters’ experiences. It can be observed through the flashbacks that since the main characters were too young at the time they both met each other, they had the tendency to feel intense and aggressive towards their desire for…

Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleleyev Was Born In The Town Of Tobolsk, Siberia Essay


Words: 372 (2 pages)

on February 8,1834. He was the youngest of the 14 children . His father was the principal of a gymnasium ( a school where there is not only body development but there is also the development of the mind). His mother was very smart and self-educated . She used her brothers stuff who went to…

Mozarts Life ( Brief Summary) Essay

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Words: 400 (2 pages)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is often referred to as the greatest musical genius of all time in Western musical tradition. His creative method was extraordinary: his writings show that he almost always wrote a complete composition mentally before finally writing it on paper. Mozart created 600 works in his short life of 35 years. His works…

Auschwitz (429 words) Essay


Words: 428 (2 pages)

AuschwitzBack during the times of the industrial revolution the idea of communism was very big. There have been some countries that have tried this radical form of government now a day. The outcome of these countries experience with communism has not been very well. An example of a country that tired communism was Russia. When…

Essay about A Discussion On Intercultural Communication Essay

Intercultural Communication

Words: 434 (2 pages)

POD DISCUSSION 5:Intercultural communication is type of communication which people from different cultures and groups share information. The occasion where significant basically cultural differences made effective intercultural communication a challenge between me and my friend here in America was about bride price. In my culture bride price is paid by groom to the family of…

Edgar Degas Essay Example (513 words)


Visual Arts

Words: 513 (3 pages)

Edgar Degas was a French artist, some people would refer to him as the expert of drawing the human figure in motion. He was known as an Impressionists, and was different from all the other artist of his type. Edgar Degas was a person who, at certain times, brashly defied propriety and common social practice….

The Tragedy Of Pudd’nhead Wilson monologue Essay


Words: 352 (2 pages)

A monologue from the book by Mark Twain NOTE: This monologue is reprinted from The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson And The Comedy Of Those Extraordinary Twins. Mark Twain. Hartford: American Publishing Co., 1894. WILSON: The judge and his late wife never had any children. The judge and his wife were past middle age when this…

Wrestling; Poetry in Motion Essay



Words: 421 (2 pages)

Wrestling; Poetry in MotionMy heart beats faster as I approach my opponent. My enemy stands as acolossus although I know in my mind he is my only equal. The crowd growslouder as we step on our lines, and the only thought echoing through my mind is”shoot for the leg!”. These are the happenings before every…

Growing up in Apple Valley Essay

Growing Up

Words: 416 (2 pages)

Growing up in Apple Valley is an indelible experience not too many people go through. Every time I say I’m from Apple Valley people always don’t know where Apple Valley is. I usually say that it is off the Interstate 15 freeway, like you are heading to Las Vegas, right next to Victorville. Then they…

Descriptive Essay Hogwarts (424 words)

Descriptive Essay

Harry Potter

Words: 424 (2 pages)

It’s held together by magic, so the towers literally defy’ gravity and the various types of construction fit together in impossible way. The wooden beams join seamlessly to stone battlements and plaster walls meld into iron door frames. On top of all that, the various rooms and spaces in the castle tend to move around,…

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