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    Ethicsof monitoring network usage Essay

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    Please compare and contrast the three types of policies you’ve experienced based on the potential social, political and ethical issues involved. Does one policy fit all companies or are there some companies where one policy makes more sense than others and why? Does company size matter and why? Does the employee job role matter and why? All three policy are different and companies are different. Just because one policy fits one company does not mean the other policies would benefit that company, Companies are unique and require different tasks and tools to be productive. I do not think the passive monitoring policy would benefit any company.

    It would only allow employees to have access to all information, download viruses, and be less productive at work. Yes the company size does matter. In large companies there are multiple computers and employees using them. It would be difficult to monitor all employees. If everyone in the company was on the internet at same time the bandwidth would be slow making productivity slow. Some employees rely on internet use. E-mails back and forth to suppliers, searches for new ideas, creating web pages, etc are art of some companies and the employees who are in charge of this needs unlimited access to the internet.

    Which network policy do you prefer? Active Monitoring How did the social, ethical, and/or political considerations impact your choice? I think the zero tolerance was to strict and had a negative impact on productivity in some departments. At the same time it helped productivity and what internet use was done did not slow down the bandwidth. Also do not think that companies have the right to monitor employees personal e-mail, but if the e- ail is set up with the company than the company has all rights to monitor it.

    The Active monitoring would benefit several companies. Think restricting what cannot be accessed is more beneficial than trying to go in and unblock sites that are needed for research, It is more ethical to monitor systems for unapproved application that to try and ban all applications. The passive monitoring is way to lenient. Employees have too much access to the internet. It will slow down bandwidth, be more acceptable to viruses, and decrease productivity is some departments.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Ethicsof monitoring network usage Essay. (2018, Jul 22). Retrieved from

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