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    Essay on Professional Development Essay

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    There are several milestones that our society uses to measure personal development and suitability for advancement to higher degrees of social responsibility. One such milestone is career selection and attainment. Some individuals may never find a satisfying vocation, whereas others know what they desire from the day they can communicate. A simple way to reduce the unfortunate friction of choosing a career is to be self-aware.

    Understanding what makes one happy, fulfilled, and the things that are important to them, is the easiest way to narrow down the world’s endless possible occupations and ensure job satisfaction. There are many ways to gain personal enlightenment, perhaps the simplest and most effective way is to take a course geared towards career development. Part I. Self Exploration Although upon beginning this course I had already chosen a career, several things about myself were reemphasized through our self-exploration series. The Personal Globe Inventory enlightened me about a shift and strengthening of certain elements of career personality.

    Prior to beginning my position as an athletic trainer with The Arizona Rattlers, I worked for five years as a manager of a tanning salon. As the salon was a single-owned salon by a husband and wife who had their own careers, I accepted responsibility for running the entire business. With my previous experience in school and work being in different areas, I found myself forced to take on tasks that I had no experience in. As I took on these tasks such as bookkeeping, scheduling, advertising/marketing, and staffing, I found that it was easy to thrive.

    As one can imagine, my proficiency in other areas grew and my versatility expanded significantly. This reflected in m. . continue to do so.

    Money is not the root of happiness; however, I will not ignore the fact that having money is much easier than not having it. Also, as someone who desires children in the future, I am unwilling to feel like I am unable to provide them with the essentials of life. Furthermore, as a woman working in an athlete’s world, I am aware that I may face some difficulties surround the stigma of this situation. I may be perceived as homosexual, accused of sexual harassment, or even sexually harassed.

    However, I will not allow the possible issues to color my motivation to realize my passion. As I have already developed many wonderful connections in the sports and medical world, I am more than confident that over time my opportunities and knowledge will grow tremendously. I am convinced that I have all of the tools to be successful in my career.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Essay on Professional Development Essay. (2019, Feb 23). Retrieved from

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