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    Essay on Junk Food Is Unhealthy Long Time Ago Essay

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    Junk food has been proven to be unhealthy long time ago. Junk food started to grow more and more recently and spread fast all over the world. Junk food reveals any food with high calories and low nutritional value. A big problem with junk foods is that satiation value of them is low, that means people need to eat a large amount of that unhealthy foods to feel full. So it is like eating a lot of poisons for a long time, what do you think the result will be on the health condition of the humans? Another problem of junk foods tend to replace other healthy foods; people who drink a lot of soda there is no room for healthy natural fruit juice in their stomach, people who are snacking on cookies, they’re not eating fruits and healthy vegetables (WebMD 2007).

    The idea of increasing taxes on junk food has been thinking about and only in the recent years that idea has been seriously dealt with after it became so clear the increase in chronic and serious diseases because of unhealthy nutrition. It became so clear that junk foods lead to a punch of catastrophic diseases like obesity, type two diabetes, vascular diseases and cardiac disorders. Those kinds of diseases cost more than $150 billion annually, just to diagnose, treat people who suffer from them. That disease is chronic and leads to many health-related issues, for example, obesity considers a risk factor for type two diabetes, and high blood pressure, joint disorders and many others (The Denver Post 2012). The key of preventing many chronic problems is nutrition. Low income plays an important role of limiting most people to buy and eat a healthy diet and in the other hand, it is easy for people budgets to purchase junk foods.

    So controlling the prices of healthy foods to be suitabl. .ibrary of Medicine 2009). The whole ideology behind higher taxation on junk food will definitely cause a riot within the food industry and lobbyist due to the negative effects it will have on their business. This will also give them the opportunity to claim that this taxation is an infringement of the public’s right to choose whatever food they want to eat and that the government is forcibly controlling people into purchasing the products they want to them to purchase. With the current way things are going, low-income families are forced to spend the majority of their income on food and would not be able to afford junk food if the prices were outside their budget.

    By reducing the prices of healthier foods and increasing junk food prices, we give them the opportunity to improve their diets and thus help reduce any diseases that may develop (The New York Times 2011).

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Essay on Junk Food Is Unhealthy Long Time Ago Essay. (2019, Feb 21). Retrieved from

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