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    Essay About Refugees (1045 words)

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    A refugee is a person who is forced to leave the country as a result of violence, war and persecution. Although their problems and miseries can never be fulfilled because they leave all of their belongings, relatives and properties behind, they usually do not prefer to return back ever. The refugee crisis has always been a part of the debate and is given protection as per the international law.

    As they have to flee with almost no clothes or life essentials on their back, it is quite difficult to survive in crisis without their jobs, possessions, homes and most importantly, their loved ones. Moreover, most of the migrants in European countries recommend spending the rest of their lives in another country because of the fear of being prosecuted due to external factors such as nationality, race, religion or political reasons.

    Problems faced by refugees

    As we there are a lot of news and publications released on refugee crisis on a daily basis, their number is surely increasing by each day. When talking about migrants and their current living situation, it is hard to believe the condition of their women, children and men who are deprived of basic living rights. The Syrian conflict is by far known for creating the worst humanitarian crises of the decade as more than 12 million people had been forcefully killed while others had to leave their homeland.

    Although every country is not willing to accept refugees or an Internally Displaced Person (IDP), they have to risk their lives to find a sustainable future in Europe or other parts of the world. In an area suffering from the ongoing war against terror, there are more chances of risks including infrastructure being destroyed, properties damaged and beginning of worst living conditions.

    Rights of refugees

    According to the 1951 Refugee Convention, refugees were awarded legal rights and benefits which allowed them to avail necessary life facilities. The convention advised that the countries accepting migrants will make sure each person is given both legal and basic living rights so that they can make a new home, find jobs and educate their children in a better way. Moreover, the convention also outlines facts for refugees to host governments and people such as war criminals who are not ranked as migrants.

    Along with the above-explained factors, the convention also provided basic human rights to the people who have been affected by terrorism, war or political instabilities within the region. By overviewing the universal refugee experience, we have found that authorities such as “The UN Refugee Agency” have always played a vital role in giving protection to people who have crossed the international border due to war, persecution or conflict in their homeland.

    Impact of refugees on a country

    Refugees and migrants are known for increasing the population rate in European countries. With the settlement of different types of refugees belonging from unfamiliar race, religion and culture within a region, there are more chances of the development of the worst conditions in a short period of time. Governments and local bodies in European countries have to make comprehensive rules by following the law in order to ensure safe survival of both citizens and migrants in the country.

    The mass presence of refugee crisis is already bringing environmental, economic, social and political instabilities in the least developed countries for which governments need to focus on various factors. Moreover, there are thousands of argumentative essay been written on the issue which outlines the impact of immigrants on a country. As it results in an increased demand for jobs, foods and living facilities, it can become difficult for people to maintain their living standards.

    Refugees in different regions

    The number of immigrants in South Africa has increased to a high level as per the report published by UNHCR. As the country is undergoing the highest number of unresolved asylum cases as compared to other regions in the world, it is possible that South Africa will be having the greatest population of refugees.

    Depending on the refugee crisis and problems, each country is operating support offices which can be contacted to avail any kind of information. Moreover, as soon as you are given the refugee status officially, you can get mainstream support through local authorities and state departments as well. These actions are taken to ensure the international criteria for human rights is being followed and implemented in the right manner.

    How refugees are treated

    To make the universal refugee experience similar in every country, a set of rules and regulations is considered to ensure the basic rights are delivered easily. Talking about health care and medical facilities in Australia, people who have migrated from an unsettled country are regularly given quality treatment. Although they have to pay the initial expenses in some cases, once registered as a refugee, complete treatment and health care is given free of cost.

    There are a lot of major factors which need to be focused when writing an essay about refugees. As most of the people are raised in countries not having an established health care infrastructure, these persuasive issues must be brought into consideration through publications, articles and news reports.

    Developing self-confident amongst refugees

    Refugees are migrated fully of fear, doubts and misconceptions for their new living place. In order to make them mentally stronger to survive in Africa or other popular countries, we need to develop strong communication, remove causes of refugees, give supporting lectures and guide them about best tips to be followed. This will not only help them in gaining self-confidence, but the countries accepting refugees can also improve the universal refugee experience and give them better hope for upcoming stages of life.


    Refugees are surely an important part of our society as they are forced to live in an area, they are completely unfamiliar with. As it is the duty and responsibility of each country to cope with effects of refugees and give them proper living standards, we as a society must always contribute with each other to give them shelter, food and a good lifestyle.

    Moreover, the topics and factors explained in this article will certainly help you in understanding the problems being faced by refugees and the struggle which they have to undergo while migrating to another region.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Essay About Refugees (1045 words). (2018, Dec 07). Retrieved from

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