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    Essay about Online Dating Vs. Internet Dating Essay

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    Have you ever tried to date someone online before? In America, online dating is becoming popular, 66% of online daters have gone on a date with someone who they met online, and 23% of them have actually met their spouses. In “Online Dating Odds Getting Better”, Katherine P. Harvey describes the improvements of online dating services in matchmaking industry. More people are able to find their mate through online dating. Most of the profits made by dating companies come from online and mobile dating services provide a lot of creative services.

    Harvey claims that people prefer online dating is because it provides more options and easier to find someone that meets their criteria. However, companies are not able to solve all the problems of online dating so a lot of new apps are released to perfect the industry. Overall, Online dating as a new way of building relationships, has benefits people in many different ways. Firstly, internet helps people from all around the world to connect with each other. By using online dating, we can meet people from different countries, generations or social circles. It provides you with more chances to meet new people, makes it easier to find someone who meets your criteria, at the same time it saves you time to go around and search for your potential spouse.

    (Online dating odds getting better, 28) Secondly, online dating sites usually require user’s personal informations and pictures. As you read others profiles and sharing your personally interests or hobbies online, you should be able to find someone who is passionated on the same thing as you do. (Online dating and relationship, 80) At the same time, you can eliminate people who you are not compatible with or not interested in. . . chatting with them online.

    You might not have that feeling of love but at least you make a new friend. Avoid starting a relationship before you meet he/she in person. Online dating is getting more common. You may started to notice that more and more people around you are using it. In my opinion, online dating is going to be the main trend of dating and it is going to replace the traditional in-person blind dating. There are a lot of rooms for improvement of those dating sites or apps out there but all the advantages makes it attractive.

    You have to be careful and cautious when using these sites, just like when you are using the internet. Don’t spend too much time on it and avoid expensive dating sites which are useless and worthless of that price. As long as we can follow these rules, online dating will definitely be a good way to find a potential spouse.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Essay about Online Dating Vs. Internet Dating Essay. (2019, Feb 17). Retrieved from

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