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    Essay about Junk Food And Its Effects On The Human Body Essay

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    “Our Greatest Enemy” Food is source of fuel for the human body, like water and air it allows humans to live, but what happens when food becomes our enemy? People try to eat healthy, but the food that is considered junk food is usually are white bread, crackers, sweetened pastries, sweetened carbonated beverages and frozen foods these are very unhealthy snacks for the human body. Junk food makes the human body weak and inactive compared to other foods that will give energy such as vegetables and fruits. People know junk foods are high in sugars, fat, and salt, yet people continue to buy and eat them. The way the food industry makes their food is unhealthy and dangerous because of ingredients and chemicals that go into the food .The way junk food is shown to the people is by television advertisement such as Lucky Charms cereal, McDonalds, Taco Bell, and Coca Cola.

    The food industry use advertisements to promote the product they are selling to the future consumers. Even though there are advertisements that do promote healthy eating and organic snacks, they are not as numerous and tend to attack a smaller audience. The food industry is unethical because of the chemicals they use in their products and the advertisements manipulate their consumers in to buying junk food products. Junk food, seems to be a delicious snack to replace a meal you might have missed for that day, furthermore eating that one bag of chips seem harmless but no it is all a lie! Junk food has mad science behind it. Michael Moss the author of the article “The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food”, interviews a man named Steven Witherly, he a scientist on food. According to Moss, Witherly says “If something melts down quickly, your brain thinks t.

    . and orange. The colors red, yellow and orange are also trigger colors for hunger. Most people seen these colors on the logos McDonalds, Coca Cola, Cheetos, and snacks and other fast food restaurants. The food industry do not want to spend money on changing their food products because they believe they will lose money if people do not recognize their product. The food industry does not have to change their whole advertisement, they would only have to add another trigger color like green, which people associate with healthy living and organic food.

    To sum things up, the way the food industry makes their food is unhealthy and dangerous because the ingredients and chemicals that go into the food. The food industry should use the power of advertisement to show new and old consumers. The change made to their food, making it healthier and less dangerous to consume.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Essay about Junk Food And Its Effects On The Human Body Essay. (2019, Feb 23). Retrieved from

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