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    Eric’s perfect society Essay (820 words)

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    ERICS VERY GOOD CITIZENSHIP ESSAYI have learned that I have the freedom to be who I am. I know that everyone else has freedoms and rights. I have the right to make decisions along with the rest of the world. We all have opinions that matter.

    We all can benefit society and ourselves. Everything else I have learned can help benefit myself. I personally have benefited from this course by learning that I can make a difference to every endeavour and challenge I pursue for the rest of my life. Civics is really a course on everyday life that I believe to be very important to society and myself. I have learned how to use my legal privileges with regard to rights during my everyday life. It gives me a sense of freedom and even though I am a teenager I know I have an opinion and an important position in society.

    There were times when I went places when there where adults and really was quiet because I didnt think what I had to say was important. I feel comfortable meeting with people who may be more knowledgeable and more experienced than I am. I have much more self-confidence than before I took this course because I know my rights. I am much more comfortable even with teachers thanks to you Mr. Harris.

    I know that when I am old enough and able to vote that my vote will be important. I know that my vote will mean something. I know that my vote will count. I can get involved in politics and assist with the important issues in life. I have confidence that I can make a difference and help others with their issues and concerns.

    I listen to others opinions with more interest. I also give my opinion with much more confidence and enthusiasm. For example, when my family is making a decision on something I am much more confidant putting my two cents in the conversation. I know that no matter how old or young we are we all have opinions that count. Freedom is a wonderful thing.

    We really are interesting individuals and all should be heard. When we where young and in public school we felt intimidated and sometimes suppressed when forming our opinions. I wish they taught civics and the rights of freedoms in public school. It really is important to know you have an opinion. We are very fortunate to have this course in high school.

    I think teenagers are very lucky in this decade. I dont think my parents were as fortunate as we were. The course has taught me how to make decisions and choices to help others and myself. I am much more reluctant to ask others for assistance with decisions.

    Making decisions is much easier. I can feel confident that whatever I decide will be okay because it is my choice. I know we all have to grow up some day but this course teaches us everyday skills for dealing with everyday life. Almost everyday something happens and we have to make a choice one way or the other. This course makes us stronger and more confident.

    Canada is a multicultural society and the civics course helps unit us better. We learned that no matter what culture everyone has rights. We are very lucky to have so many cultures because we can all learn from each other. With so many different cultures we are exposed to so many different ways of life. We really can help each other.

    Some people are still very bigoted and critical but the younger generation with their skills can change all of that. We can help everyone teach that everyone no matter what his or her background is that their word is important. We can unite and all band together. We can all help each other to make Canada a better place to live. My everyday challenges and endeavours at this point in my life involve music. I am actively involved in a band.

    Our band has been very busy playing at many different places and in different styles. We have done the hard core rock and roll. We have also played acoustically. I am the youngest in the band but make lots of decisions regarding what is going to happen next.

    I welcome every opportunity to face every challenge. I am not easily intimidated and will pursue all of my dreams. I now have the ability to help not just myself with what I have learned but also the ability to help the rest of society. Civics is really a course on learning how to be individual and important. I feel very important.

    I know I can teach others because I am sure most people dont know their rights. I will help others learn them. I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to participate in this class and learn about our cultures and government.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Eric’s perfect society Essay (820 words). (2019, Jan 16). Retrieved from

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