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    Dunking Mental Illness in Mass Shootings

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    Mass shootings have created horror and fear in many communities. Many of those tragic events are caused by many complex factors many of them are still not fully understood. There is always question to why some psychologists criticize the use of diagnostic labels. In the DSM- IV- TR this book provides all of the labels and descriptions that help mental health professionals for communications and research. Labels that unfairly stigmatized people can create different perspectives and can cause bias on how one may view their present and past behavior. There is one label “insanity” that in some legal defenses has always raised moral and ethical questions on how a society should treat someone who has a disorder and if they committed a crime.

    At Least 527 were injured and 58 people were killed after a man had opened fire at a country musical festival in Las vegas in which appears to be the worst mass shooting in U.S. history. Stephen Paddock was a 64 year old man that opened fire on the Route 91 Harvest Festival from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Casino. This shooting was such a tragedy especially when the shooter is being made excuses for having a mental illness. Although, experts considered it unlikely that an examination of the brain would give them answers to why Mr. Paddock to commit a mass shot rings, doctors all over the country had proposed more than a half-dozen disorders they thought he might of had. One Doctor names Dr.Vogel had found none of the disorders.

    During the brain examination, there was no evidence of frontotemporal lovat degeneration (which affects someone’s executive functions.) These include social interactions, decision making, unrestrained behavior, and can cause personality changes. This disease could possibly not fit Stephen Paddocks situation because of his meticulous planning to commit this crime. ‘The level of intelligence, functioning in society, no dysfunction seen by people shows there’s a less possibility of being mentally ill. The way he was spending his money … making money out of property and gambling means a high level of thinking and hiding it from people. That needs a lot of upper level thinking,’ Dr. Khubchandani concluded.

    During the investigations of how the mass shooting happened they started to discover more and more about Mr. Paddock. In the Mandalay Bay suite they had found a prescription pill bottle with “ Diazepam 10 MG” with his name on it on the bathroom sink. Lots of studies of have shown that diazepam, a sedative drug, triggers different aggressive behaviors, and chronic use of the drug can lead to psychotic breaks. Sometimes “normal” people do terrible things. Like open fire on a concert, but sometimes “abnormal” people do terrible things too like open fire on a concert. Just because someone does something so awful does not mean their actions should be justified by a mental illness. That’s not at all how the mental health works

    Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newton, Connecticut, on December 14th, 2012, that left 28 innocent people dead. Adam Lanza has killed 20 children and 6 adults at the Sandy Hook Elementary School after killing his own mother before hand at his home, and afterwards taking his own life. Mr.Lanza, 20, was untreated for years before the shooting had taken place for psychiatric and physical ailments which were obsessive- compulsive disorder and anxiety. He also was deprived of different recommendations of drugs and services. The report that had all of this information also stated his undiagnosed anorexia could have also affected his mental state as well. “It’s not that his mental illness was a predisposing factor in this tragedy,” Dr. Harold Schwartz, chief psychiatrist at Hartford Hospital’s Institute of Living, said at a news conference held on Friday to discuss the report, of which he was an author. “It was his untreated mental illness that was a predisposing factor.”

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    Dunking Mental Illness in Mass Shootings. (2022, Nov 26). Retrieved from

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