Proscenium arch, perspective, scene design,
What were the major contributions of the Italian Renaissance theatre?
Professional Theater
What was the Commedia dell’Arte?
Lazzo-repeated comic business, improvisation, stock characters, cartoon,
What are the characteristics of Commedia style performance?
Torelli change wings and back shutters
What is the chariot and pole system?
Neoclassical structure
Italian Renaissance followed this structure of verisimilitude and the unities of time, place and action?
Sabbatini: Manual for constructing Theatrical Scenes and machines like the groove system
What contribution did Sabbattini make to Italian Renaissance theatre?
Genre: type, tragedy dealt with royalty and ended with calamity and comedy with common people and ended happily, the two genres did not mix. Onstage violence was forbidden. Drama must be didactic. Opposition to soliloquy.
What was purity of genre?
Castelvetro make a mistake
Which Italian Renaissance critic misinterpreted Aristotle’s Poetics?
Were the majority of performers in Italian Renaissance theatre professional or amateur?
Castelvetro, Minuturno, Scalinger
Name three critics from the Italian Renaissance?
Of the 6 element of the drama (Aristotle), which was the focus of Italian Ren. theatre?
teatro Olimpico
5 facades, patterned after roman scaena frons designed to look like a street. 3,000 spectators and curved benches and semicircle orchestra.
teatro Farnase
3,500 spectators, with raised horseshoe seating and a semicircular orchestra in front of the stage.
proscenium arch
picture-frame, peephole, or conventional stage and innovative scene design.
flying machines, trapdoors and primitive sound effects were all used to emphasize spectacle.
The opera houses of Venice
Where was the pit, box and gallery seating arrangement introduced?
roman theater
What did the Teatro Olimpico resemble?
proscenium arch
What innovation did the Teatro Farnase introduce?
Typically, what is the point of attack in the plays of Elizabethan dramatists?
Stock characters, heighten language
What were some of the characteristics of plays by Elizabethan dramatists?
outdoors, large, focus on natural light and open to the public
What were the characteristics of Elizabethan private theaters?
In doors, more expensive and open to the public
What were the characteristics of Elizabethan private theaters?
What was the source of lighting in Elizabethan private theaters?
seating pit, box and gallery
What was the seating arrangement of the Elizabethan private theater?
standing pit, box and gallery
What was the seating arrangement of the Elizabethan public theater?
Mixed genre
Generally speaking, do the plays of Elizabethan playwrights maintain purity of genre?
Dr. Fautus
Name a play by Christopher Marlowe.
Taming of the shrew, Much a do about nothing
Name two comedies by Shakespeare?
MacBeth, Hamlet, King Lear
Name two tragedies by Shakespear?
Built the first theater in England
Who was Richard Burbage?
shakespeare’s famous actor
Who was James Burbage?
sent to Italy by James I
Who was Inigo Jones?
proscenium arch,system for changing scenery, painted perspective stage sets
What contribution did Inigo Jones make to the English theatre?
the principal characters have a excess of one trait-humour
What are the characteristics of the “comedy of humours?”
Ben Jonson
What playwright is associated with the “comedy of humors?”
Which English monarch banned the presentation of religious drama?
Master of Revels
Which state official would enforce the ban on religious drama?
Secular comedy and tragedy
What did the ban on religious drama in England result in?
Elizabethans used an episodic form growing out of medieval drama.
The Italians attempt to resurrect greek crisis drama, conversly….
Thomas Kyd’s The Spanish Tragedy
In english renaissance, scenes moved from place to place, and from one time to another an example of this is….
ghosts, soliloquoys, theme of revenge
Episodic structure Kyd set the way
jonson,shakespeare, marlowe
university wits
Robert Greene
Which Elizabethan playwright launched an attack on Shakespeare as ” an upstart crow”.
Costume and Design
What was the major concern of the Stuart masques?
Italy Spectacle
The court masques showed the influence of which country’s stage technology?
Thomas Kyd’s work appears to be derivative of this Roman playwright?
April 23, 1564 to April 23, 1616
State the birth and death dates of William Shakespeare.
Richard Burbage
Who built “The Theatre?”
The Globe, The Theatre
Name two Elizabethan public theaters.
Blackfriars and Whitefriars
Name two Elizabethan private theaters.
James Burbage
Who was the leading actor in Shakespeare’s company?
Christopher Marlowe
Edward Alleyn was most closely associated with which Elizabethan playwright?
James I
Who was the successor to Elizabeth I?
James I
The court masques were to flourish under which English king?
John Lyly, Robert Greene,
Name three “university wits.”
The court masques showed the influence of which country’s stage technology?
protagonist and language
What is characteristic of the plays of Christopher marlowe?
Change Costumes – background
What were the functions of the Elizabethan tiring house?
Sanguine-optimistic -healthy dr. nancy sunshine, Black bile is melancholy, no hope, life is awful, Yellow Bile is choleric, short tempered, go into rages, Phlegm is a slow moving fluid.
What were the four personality types detailed in the “comedy of humours?”
Sanguine-optimistic -healthy dr. nancy sunshine, Black bile is melancholy, no hope, life is awful, Yellow Bile is choleric, short tempered, go into rages, Phlegm is a slow moving fluid.
What humorus were associated witht the four personality types detailed above?
A place to hide a character
What was the discovery space in the Elizabethan public theatre?
in the wall of the tiring or pavillion house in front
What are the two theories of the location/design of the discovery space?
the roof
What was “the heavens?”
3 sides surround by audience
Describe the stage of the Elizabethan public theatre.
Language, Spectale, dark side
Name three directions the theatre took during the Elizabehtan/Jacobean/Caroline periods.
Darker Side
What is characteristic of the plays of John Webster?
Tragic Comedy
What genre is associated with Beaumont and Fletcher?
Period between kings
What was the Interregnum?
return of Charles II
The Restoration begins witht he return of this king to the English throne.
Sexual, gaudy, naughty
What are some characteristics of the comedy of manners?
William Congreve, William Wycherley
Who were the two leading writers of the English Restoration?
1660 Margaret Huges
When do female performers first appear on the English stage?
Margaret Huges
Who was, reportedly, the first actress to appear on the English stage?
Male – female actor
Who was Edward Kynaston?
Pit Box Gallery
Where did the audience sit during the Restoration?
on stage
Where else did they sit?
David Garrick
What actor/manager banned audience members from sitting on stage?
Drama. (2017, Aug 28). Retrieved from https://artscolumbia.org/drama-10309/