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    Drake Concert World Music Essay

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    Concert The energy and vibe at the Drake concert was so live and intense. The vitality of the crowd was very immense. Although he is known as Drake, the superstar singer, rapper, songwriter and composers birth name is Aubrey Drake Graham. Mostly famous for writing flirtatious songs to attract the attention of many female celebrities, Drake offers a new artistic wrinkle in comparison to Masc. who can only rhyme.

    Beyond being able to carry a note and his lyrical dexterity, it’s the directness and interpolation that underlines Drake’s words that implement him to associate with fans on a more profound level. And that is typically what his musical selections varied from; songs that revolved around the expression of his feelings. His first mistake, So Far Gone was a temperamental collection of tracks that discloses the anecdote of his ascent into adulthood. Girl troubles, pains of growing and uncertainty are the emotions apprehended on the set.

    It was a rare craft and as he and producer Noah Siebel sampled from many well-known rap tracks and ambiguous hipster mounds to create a pop shine that was observable for the masses. And the other albums, Thank Me Later, Take Care and Nothing Was the Same were his glorified pieces of work that gracefully displayed his feelings and I could here every heart felt emotion in the lyrics. The dancers on stage were so energetic and so engrossed in the performance that by looking at them you could literally feel how hard their heart was beating because you would be breaking a sweat too from dancing to the beat.

    As for Drake, when he would sing a high-tempo song such as Headlines, everyone would e dancing to the beat so aggressively because that song got their adrenaline going. Other slow and mellow songs like Over my Dead Body and Margin’s Room, Drake slowed down the tempo and his demeanor on stage was very sensual and seductive that it still had a majority of the females in awe and their adrenaline rushing. The way Drake would transition from fast to slow songs gave the audience a chance to flow with performance, while at the same time being prepared to Jump up and down to the beat when the high tempo songs would come on.

    The balance of the paces was incredible because you literally could tell he was putting everything in it because the singing and performing effort did not change. There were not any other performers on stage with him besides the hype man, but their interaction with each other were dynamic because they were able to accompany the crowd into the songs. Before some songs, Drake would ask the females how their relationships were, then transition into a heart-felt song concerning relationships and grabbing the attention of an intimate partner. His body language was typically in a strong, masculine posture that did not show any forms of weakness.

    Drake’s body language also showed some sensual moments when he would do some of the seductive dance Drake Concert World Music Paper 2 By anger on the hand. His whole demeanor gave off a very intimate and sexual vibe that aroused the many female fans in attendance. The d©core, lighting and venue really set the mood for this concert. When songs were upbeat, the lights would go crazy by flickering, change color and distinguish in shapes between circles and lines. When songs were downbeat, the soft colors would appear and the patterns of the lights would not be as intense as it would if an upbeat song was playing.

    Whether the lights were on or off, the energy and focus of the crowd did not change one bit and the arena was full of life. As far as my ethnographic observations go, I learned that the words and beats of his music serves as a message and he wanted to send this message of love and affection to everyone who was willing to hear. I felt the audience was also very open in receiving his message because they would sing the songs as Drake would sing it as if it were one big karaoke bar. There also was an expression of emotion they had on their face was a perfect description of the meaning of the words hat he sang in his songs.

    When I was observing, I felt that the audience was in a trance, but at the same time experiencing the same emotion he felt when writing it himself. My own preconceptions did not really affect my research and listening experience when I went to this concert. I listen to Drake a lot and I love his well rounded, and ability to be lyrically agile. If I have never heard a certain artist or song, then I would be open to listen to it but if do not like it then I will not be listening to that particular artist or song anymore.

    As a performer, I did not have the same type f audience to entertain and interact with like Drake, but I did have a lot of interaction from the audience when I would perform. There was plenty of positive energy that made it easier for me to sing songs without holding anything back and produce a tremendous sound. Being able to compare and contrast my experience as a performer and member in the audience was very good. By attending this concert, it allowed me to see many differences in an amateur and professional performance, but at the same time have a great time being involved in a research I had a blast taking part in.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Drake Concert World Music Essay. (2017, Nov 24). Retrieved from

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