Even though Down Syndrome was not truly recognized until 1866 some people believe that it was sculpturally and pictorially represented. Such as in the paintings that are on this poster. The children’s facial features in the paintings suggest Down syndrome. In 1866 John Langdon Down published a paper describing some of the characteristics of the syndrome that today is named after him. He described a flat and broad face, obliquely placed eyes, and a small nose.
It wasn’t until 1959 that scientist Lejeune discovered that there was an extra chromosome in each cell in the child with Down syndrome. He found that there was three of the #21 chromosome which resulted in 47 chromosomes instead of 46 which is shown in the chart. Down syndrome children are slower at learning things than children who don’t have Down syndrome. This is shown on the far left of the poster. You will see that the normal child takes approximately one month to smile and the child that has Down syndrome takes approximately two months. At the very top of the poster you will see a picture of my niece who is five months old and has Down syndrome.
She has all the describing features of a Down syndrome baby.
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