Muscle| Origin| Insertion| Action| Description|
PARIETAL MUSCLES| | | |Completely coat the muscles|
DORSAL: Mass of muscles extending into the fin|Fascia| |Abductor, levator, extensor of the fin|Fin muscle|Metapterygial cartilage|Pterygiophores and ceratotrichia| |VENTRAL side of the pelvic fin|From the linea alba and puboischiac bar|Pterygiophores and ceratotrichia|Depressor, adductor, or flexor|Levator muscle|Scapular process of the pectoral girdle and adjacent fascia|Pterygiophores|Fanlike extensor|Depressor mass|Coracoids bar of the pectoral girdle|Pterygiophores|Similar ventral flexor|
BRANCHIAL MUSCULATURE| | | | |Ventral longitudinal bundles|Pectoral girdle| | | |Branchial muscles| | |Operate the gill arches and jaws|
CONSTRICTOR SERIES| | | | |Epihyoidean|Fascia; otic capsule|Hyomandibula| | |Craniomandibularis|Otic capsule|Palatoquadrate cartilage| |AKA dorsal constrictor; front of epihyoidean|Quadratomandibularis|Palatoquadrate cartilage|Mandible (Meckel’s cartilage)| |Large muscle at the jaw angle|Preorbitalis|Chondrocranium| | |AKA suborbitalis and levator labialis superioris muscle; between the upper jaw and the eye; cylindrical muscle|Adductor mandibulae| | |Closes the lower jaw|Combination of quadratomandibularis and preorbitalis|Intermandibularis|Midventral raphe|Mandible| | |
Interhyoideus| | | |Thin sheet above the intermandibularis|
LEVATOR SERIES| | | | |Levator maxillae superioris|Otic capsule|Palatoquadrate cartilage|Raises the upper jaw|In front of dorsal constrictor|Cucullaris|Fascia of dorsal longitudinal bundle|Epibranchial cartilage| |Lying between the dorsal longitudinal bundle and inserts on the epibranchial cartilage of the last gill arch|Levatores arcuum| | |Raises the gill arches|This is the whole levator series|
INTERARCUAL SERIES| | | | |Anterior cardinal sinus| | | |Above the gill pouches|Interarcual muscles|Extends chiefly between pharyngobranchial cartilages| |Draw the arches together and expand the pharynx| |
HYPOBRANCHIAL MUSCULATURE|Occupies the region between the coracoid bar and the mandible. Strengthens and elevates the floor of the mouth cavity, strengthens the walls of the pericardial cavity, and assists in opening the mouth and expanding the gill pouches in the inspiration of water.|Common coracoarcuals|Coracoid bar|Fascia| |In front of the coracoid bar|Coracomandibular|Extending forward to the mandible| | |Above constrictor layer; AKA geniocoracoid and geniohyoid|Coracohyoid|Basihyal| |Dorsal to the mandible.