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    Do you ever wander where the leap year was all sta Essay

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    rted? While Julius Caesar took over the government as a dictator, he presented many contributions and achievements. One of them was adopting a new calendar based on the Egyptian year of 365 1/4 days. Many people believed that Julius Caesar was a tyrant who meant to end the republic and make himself king, although, I believe he was a very beneficial dictator who should have remained a leader.

    Besides inventing a new calendar, Caesar was also an excellent fighter and great general. He pushed, pushed, and conquered many groups and eventually overwhelmed Pompey’s armies and conquered Gual. Caesar wanted the best for his people so he tried his foremost to give land to the landless by limiting the size of Latifundia. Caesar also provided jobs for the unemployed. People in provinces did not have citizenship, therefore, Caesar gave citizenship to them.

    Obviously, Caesar wanted his people to be happy, not to take control and power and use it all for him. Caesar also added representatives from the provinces to the Senate to enable everyone to have a part in the government. Caesar wanted order, law, and peace. He believed that of course, there should be order and laws but to use the power for peace.

    He wanted to stop chaos and for his people to be fortunate and feel all equal. Besides everything else he contributed to the less fortunate, he also gave grain to the poor. Many people believed that Julius Caesar was a tyrant who meant to end the republic and make himself king, although, I believe he was a very beneficial dictator who should have remained a leader. Under his leadership, the government gave jobs to the unemployed, public land to the poor, and citizenship to many people in the provinces. Many Romans believed that Caesar was a wise ruler who had brought order and peace back to Rome. Obviously he was, considering all the accomplishments he contributed to Rome.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Do you ever wander where the leap year was all sta Essay. (2019, Jan 09). Retrieved from

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