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    How to write an Essay about Depression

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    At college or at university, students are often required to complete essays and other writing assignments on particular topics or issues. The topic and the methods usually depend on the field of studies. In the psychological field, one of the most complex and controversial issues is depression.

    The number of people experiencing depression is only growing over time, and thus, it is important to investigate the issue and all the related aspects from different perspectives. This article will be helpful for college students studying Psychology, Medicine, Health Care, or other related disciplines. It provides a hook for writing essays about depression by offering necessary information on a good essay about depression structure and the most popular topics concerning depression.

    Popular topics

    The study of depression involves numerous controversial and relevant topics, which can become themes for your essay about depression. For example, the essay can be focused on exploring the nature of depression and related disorders or on measuring how common and serious depression is. Besides, among the popular topics, one can choose to write a paper on The Depression Signs, The Causes and Effects of Depression, Treatment Successfully Used to Overcome Depression and other topics.

    Choosing the right topic is the key to success in writing an essay. Besides that, you have to develop a strong and arguable thesis in your paper. Finally, you should show your awareness of the topic at both theoretical and practical levels. Your essay can be descriptive. At the same time, like the majority of essays, it can be argumentative providing strong arguments supporting the thesis.

    Depression essay example

    Depression is a complex and multi-sided phenomenon. It is not just a feeling of sadness that every person can have. As compared to sadness, depression can be characterized by a longer duration and higher intensity, and it strongly influences people’s everyday lives. A person with depression usually loses the ability to feel pleasure and interest to everyday activities and instead, suffers from the feelings of hopelessness. Consequently, depression can often lead to the development of thoughts about suicide. Besides, the primary symptoms of depression include a considerable increase or decrease in appetite, fatigue, and sleeping disorder. As a result, a person’s body also suffers because of the mental state.

    Researchers differentiate between major depression and dysthymic disorder. Patients with a major disorder are those who have experienced the mentioned disease indication for some period. At the same time, these signs are rather severe and can be experienced in an intense form. People with dysthymia disorder experience the mentioned symptoms in a less severe form typically for two years or more on the majority of days.

    Even though the term “depression” has been used in the scientific field only for less than a hundred years, the notions of sadness, melancholy, and depression have been long known in society. Nowadays, as more and more people are experiencing depression, the study of this disorder has significantly improved. In addition, researchers state that today, antidepressants are the most frequently prescribed medications in the United States.

    One of the most popular ways of treatment for patients with depression is the use of St. John’s Wort herb. Other ways of treatment that can be recommended for use are exercise, Omega-3 oils, SAMe, and 5-HTP. They can be used either as stand-alone alternatives of therapy or as complementary medicines. At the same time, the success in the use of these therapies strongly depends on individual characteristics, such as the person’s reactions to different remedies and the severity of his/her symptoms.

    Typically, depressed people use a combination of different therapies as it is supposed to produce better results. It is apparent that a person should use professional help for defining the best combination of remedies that can be recommended for use regarding a particular situation. For instance, the use of complementary medicines for depressed people is combined with psychotherapy. In the majority of cases, psychotherapy is viewed as a strongly beneficial way of treating depression. The matter is that the opportunity to talk to someone about your problems can not just lead to the symptoms relief but can help to reveal the main ground of depression and the best ways of overcoming it. What is more, in most cases psychotherapy help patients find ways for dealing with their everyday problems.


    Depression as a complex and multi-sided psychological phenomenon is a popular issue discussed in student essays. These writings usually discuss the indications of the illness as well as the effect of depression on everyday life and the severity of this illness. Researchers prove that depression can be treated if a person asks for professional help and uses a combination of therapies to fight the symptoms. With regard to that, papers about depression can also be focused on the exploration of the existing ways of medical care and their effectiveness for people with depression.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    How to write an Essay about Depression. (2018, Dec 13). Retrieved from

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