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    Developing Professional Practice Essay

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    What is the CIPD and what does it give to an HR professional?

    It goes without saying that the advancement of the professional pattern is grounded in learning, that becomes popular today in all spheres and professional areas. If you want to have access to the most modern international practices, CIPD is ready to help you.

    In addition, if you need to write an essay or any other type of assignment for developing professional practice, you can find some useful material in this article.

    The HR manager occupation is actively developing. Numerous companies are interested in having a specialist, who will be an HR business partner and acquire an essential influence on the enhancement of the whole career. To make this quality transition, PwC together with the British CIPD Association provides training for HR and L&D directors, managers and HR managers, and consultants. An example of such joint programs is the worldwide degree certificate for specialists in human resource management CHRP.

    Nowadays, CIPD is the most authoritative qualifying organization of the theoretical and practical essence of the HRM. The organization is the largest professional association of HR-specialists in Europe with more than 140 thousand participants in 120 countries around the world.

    The goal of the CIPD is the formation of strategic thinking, good knowledge and best practices in the HR profession. Otherwise speaking, the organization is aimed at extending of career prospects and promoting of new methods of that branch of career.

    As a professional, you see trends, best practices and their evolution to solve current problems that help you find the “best option” in all professional areas.

    In addition to training, CIPD provides the opportunity to join a Professional membership in the organization, that is ranked by levels:

    • associate member – a specialist of this level supports one or several HR functions at a tactical level;
    • chartered member – specialists create and implement policies in all HR areas in accordance with the company’s strategy;
    • chartered fellow – the specialist has all needed personal possibilities that determine the development and strategies of HR.

    The structure and functions of CIPD HR Profession Map.

    It illustrates how HR can improve the rate of organisation he/she works. Now it is time to speak about another controversial issue. We should mention that HR Profession map pictures the professional areas of work specificity. CIPD HR Profession map comprises two key areas of the profession, like Leading HR and Insights: strategy and solutions.

    Common knowledge is that the HRM is an essential component of the company achievements. Surfing the Internet, we can come across the fact that such position is new in the worldwide market because the duty of HRM was integrated into different people. Despite that fact, the modern company cannot exist without the person who occupies that position as he/she is the primary source of the new colleagues.


    It is a high time to speak about the technique that helps coordinate the way HRM works. That system assists in the division of the responsibilities and the main subject of the occupation. Using it the manager can easily control all the aspects of the teamwork. Nowadays, such a technique is highly recommended because it saves time and improves the workflow.

    HR Profession map sets the rules for different countries. Its idea is clear: it covers ten professional areas and eight behaviours at four bands of competence. From the first band of the novice HR specialist to the fourth band of the HR director who makes decisions at the strategic level. CIPD HR Profession map includes the following behaviors: role model, curiosity, decisive thinker, ability to influence, to be trusted, cooperation, ability to work on the result and willingness to change. The organization provides three global certification levels in the CIPD: intermediate and advanced qualifications.

    CIPD HR Profession map is structured in a certain way. It describes the duties of HR-specialist within each professional area being at one or another stage of professional growth. At the same time, the map of the organisation indicates not only organizational structures and bands of working positions but behavior patterns and elements of its competence.

    HR Profession map covers the profession of HR along and across: from the smallest to the largest organisations, from basic to the most complex practices, from the local to the global level, from corporations to consulting, from charities to public administration, from traditional to the most progressive companies.

    HR Profession map is designed to assist in accomplishing the following goals of the organization:

    • definition of effective HRM;
    • diagnosing of professional areas that are most important to achieve HR-success or require improvement;
    • determination of professional qualifications of HR department employees;
    • recognition of achievements through confirmation of professional features and participation in the management of the organism

    So, the organisation is a professional feature, a space for sharing practices. The organisation gives the evidence of your credibility and the highest recognition in the HR community as an investment in your career development.

    HR specialists are certified on the basis of the HR Profession Map.  Due to its relevance, CIPD HR Profession map allows to find out how to act the successful managers that is at the particular level of development.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Developing Professional Practice Essay. (2019, Jan 03). Retrieved from

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