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    Daniel Johns Essay (255 words)

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    Daniel Johns is a guitar player.

    He was born in 1979. He hasblonde hair and is 16 years old. One day he heard a song on theradio with a guitar solo in it. He thought it was cool, so hewanted to get a guitar. He didn’t get one until about a yearlater.

    When he got the guitar Chris Jonnou, Ben Gillies, and he,were bored. So they decided to start a band. When they did theymade up a song called “Tomorrow. ” They entered it into a contestthat was held in their city.

    The judges loved it, so they got torecord a single with the song “Tomorrow. ” Their first single. Then they played it on the radio and everybody loved it. Everybody went and bought the single. A music company called Epicrecords came to them and they signed a record deal.

    They madetheir first album “Frogstomp. ” They started to put a bandtogether in 1992. They started in Australia. All of them livedabout 5 minutes from each other and went to the same school. Theywere only 12 and 13 years old.

    When they became famous they wereonly 15, but one of them just turned 16. They just went on theirfirst American tour, but they will be back this year for a cross-country jaunt, opening for the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Their firstalbum ” Frogstomp”, at number 9 last week, just went platinum,and their video “Tomorrow” is in heavy rotation on MTV. Their CD”Frogstomp” is flying out in stores across the country.

    But thebest thing is that the three of them combined are younger thanMick Jagger.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Daniel Johns Essay (255 words). (2019, Jan 02). Retrieved from

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