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    ”Dandelion Wine” by Ray Bradbury Sample Essay

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    In Ray Bradbury’s “Dandelion Wine” . Douglas learns growing through self-discovery from his Great Grandmother deceasing. Colonel Freeleigh’s narratives. and the terminal of the streetcar. Douglas’ Great Grandmother dies and gives him advice. and this provides a new position of decease. Colonel Freeleigh’s narratives give Douglas new position on himself and his life. Mr. Tridden and his account of the terminal of the streetcar besides changes Douglas’ position of himself. Douglas’ Great Grandmother provides wisdom for Douglas and his positions on himself and his life. Douglas’ Great Grandmother says. “Like everything else in this life. it’s adjustment. ” ( 184 ) Douglas learns that everything in life has its topographic point and that includes him. His Grandmother besides says “Any adult male who saves fingernail cuttings is a sap. ” ( 183 ) Douglas learns that he should accept alteration in himself and the universe around him. because nil of all time stays the same forever. Great Grandmother says. “Important thing is non the me that’s lying here. but the me that’s sitting on the border of the bed looking back at me. and the me that’s downstairs cooking supper. or out in the garage under the auto. or in the library reading. All the new parts. they count.

    I’m non truly deceasing today. No individual of all time died that had a household. ” ( 183 ) From this Douglas Learns that decease should be accepted as a portion of life. merely as day-to-day activities. such as cookery or reading. are parts of life. Douglas’ Great Grandmother gives him new wisdom on the universe and his life. Colonel Freeleigh provides Douglas with a new position of himself by stating him narratives of the civil war and by deceasing. Colonel Freeleigh says. “I don’t retrieve ayone winning anyplace any clip. War’s ne’er a victorious thing. Charlie. You merely lose all the clip. and the 1 who loses last asks for footings. All I remember is a batch of losing and unhappiness and nil good but the terminal of it. ” ( Bradbury 85 ) Douglas learns that contending and war are ne’er justifications for work outing a job. He learns that he should non be a violent individual and that no benefit comes from being a individual of force. “Douglas. flex down. withdraw the phone from the old man’s now rather cold fingers. Douglas lifted the receiving system to his ain ear. listened. Above the inactive he heard a strange. a far. a concluding sound. Two thousand stat mis off. the shutting of a window. ” ( Bradbury 135 )

    The Colonel’s decease causes Douglas to inquire about decease and how the universe will populate without people like the Colonel. Abe Lincoln. and all the soldiers who fought and died. Douglas learns that the universe must travel on even though great people come and go. The Colonel tells the male childs about Ching Ling Soo the great prestidigitator. and how he fired a slug at him as portion of a fast one. and it killed Ching Ling Soo. Douglas learns that it jis incorrect to ache another adult male. particularly to kill person. Douglas additions a new position of himself and the universe around him from his experiences with Colonel Freeleigh. Mr. Tridden and his streetcar service provides Douglas with a new position of himself and the mortality of things. Mr. Tridden says. “Going to retire me with a pension. they are. So-a free drive for everyone! ” ( Bradbury 98 ) Douglas learns that some people care about money and non what they should care about.

    Mr. Tridden says. “No more streetcar. Bus starts to run tomorrow. ” ( Bradbury 98 ) Douglas learns that all good things must come to an terminal for the interest of advancement and efficiency. “Trolleys are excessively slow. ” said Mr. Tridden. “Going to set coachs on. Buss for people and coachs for school. ” ( Bradbury 99 ) Douglas learns that things must alter. because things must go more efficient and faster. These statements leave and feeling on Douglas and how he views himself and the universe. In Ray Bradbury’s “Dandelion Wine” . Douglas learns growing through self-discovery from his Great Grandmother deceasing. Colonel Freeleigh’s narratives. and the terminal of the streetcar. Douglas learns that things must stop from his Great Grandmother. He learns that things must alter from Mr. Tridden. He learns that nil stopping points everlastingly from Colonel Freeleigh.

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    ”Dandelion Wine” by Ray Bradbury Sample Essay. (2018, Oct 22). Retrieved from

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