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    Current Information Technology Environment Essay

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    Current IT Environment:As a company that will be operating exclusively in the medical field we need to take a look at the predecessors or forerunners to our company to see what IT systems they used to make them successful. Of course we will only use this information as a model to develop and adapt our own model of IT that will be tailor made for our business.

    The current model used by medical professionals that are affiliated with our business in a relational way to our product is one used by SCIENTIFIC SEARCH INC. In this business they use :Programmer/AnalystClient ServerRelation Databases; Sybase, Oracle, & Informix. AS/400NetworkingC, C++, UNIXWWW-Web, Java, Perl, HTMLWindows NTPowerbuilderNetwork ManagerThe application programmer is responsible for designing, coding, testing, and debugging programs to implement new programs and the systems analyst is responsible for the analysis of the current business system, its organization, procedures, work flow, information requirements, and problems. The client server is when application processing is divided between a client, which is typically a personal computer, and a server, which may be a PC, a minicomputer, or a mainframe.

    (pg. 700)Relation databases (Sybase, Oracle, & Informix). Sybase (A UNIX process) is a server and is known as the database engine. It is used as a key in monitoring, diagnostics, security, managing application stored procedures, and managing user accounts.

    Oracle being derived from Greek mythology means the name of the source of all truth, the answers to all questions which is a database that usually interacts with other applications for such things as manufacturing, human resources, scheduling, and financial stuff. Informix is a software and/or database for corporate computing environments. AS/400 is a client server technology that is used in mission critical business computing. They are only manufactured in two places Rochester, Minnesota and Santa Palomba, Italy.

    Networking is several PC’s that can all access the same database at any time. It allows multiple computers to share information through one common database. Enterprise Networking is developing the needs by which different networks can exchange data. C, C++, UNIX C & C++ are both programming languages. C is the programming language that is used for most common applications.

    C++ is the next generation of C language and is more user friendly. Unix is an operating system that competes with Microsoft Windows but it requires lots of commands. However it is more stable and less likely to crash on you. WWW-Web, Java, Perl, HTML The web is the library of the world it is similar to having an on-line database.

    Java is a programming language that competes with C++. Perl is another programming language. HTML which stands for hypertext mark-up language is the programming language of the Internet and of all the web pages found on the Internet. Windows NT is an operating system that competes with UNIX and is more user friendly from an interface standpoint. PowerBuilder is:A graphic PC-based client/server application development environment.

    You can develop front-end applications which access RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) without coding in a 3 GL (3rd Generation Language) such as C or C++. RAD Tool You might have also seen it often referred to as the RAD (Rapid Application Development) tool. In PowerBuilder you can put together a working prototype, for the user to look at, in a fraction of the time it may take for you to do the same in a 3GL (once you have learned PowerBuilder!). That is why it is called a RAD tool. 4GL (4th Generation Language): In a 3GL, you have to write a lot of code to get a few things done. In PowerBuilder you use screens, known as painters, to graphically put together the visual pieces of the application.

    Then you attach code to this visual piece in a sample basic-like language, called PowerScript. Due to the fact that it hides the complexities of a 3GL like this, it is known as a 4GL. Network Manager A person that administers the network. They make sure the computers can talk with one another. These components and technicians are the ones that currently comprise the particular medical landscape in which we endeavor to operate in for success in our business.

    By reviewing these components carefully we will try to determine if there is anything we can omit or .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Current Information Technology Environment Essay. (2019, Mar 20). Retrieved from

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