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    Cult and Religion Differences Essay

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    Today, Joe Szimhart came to discuss “Cult: 30 Years Ago and Today” in Phact meeting. He began a long career as a cult interventionist or “deprogrammer” on an international scale making most of his living in that contentious field through 1998. He published a book called Mushroom Satori: The cult diary through Aperture Press in 2013.

    He talked about how belief could affect us and lead to the cult indirectly. There are many types of belief, such as healthy belief which is normal and does not impact too many aspect in our life. On the other hand, Overvalue belief could damageand affect us in a bad way.

    He mentioned that government indirectly act as a cult because they make something such as politics and economy, which people believe and follow it, but we need this belief to govern our society.

    The definition of “cult” is to care for / maintain. Most of the cult is religious belief because they bring people to their religion. For example, a person ask for an advice from a woman (cult leader) who got advices and hear God’s words.

    Many article said that creating atheist is a skeptical belief that it is preferred because they do not believe in God. Joe said, we do not know how many “cults” exist today because they are hidden and still unknown to the public. Cult also affect our society such as military and agriculture.

    There are stereotypes in cult leaders, like how they dress and do things, but actually they look normal and do things like us, therefore, it is hard to distinguish them. Psychology defines cult as a harmful organization. People in the cult believe if they leave the group, they will get 1000x times of suffer.

    There are a multitude of active cults around the world, many of which are not commonly described as a cult, but share similar characteristics. ​Cults can often be defined as a system of religious beliefs that create a powerful dedication amongst its followers. There is a huge difference between a cult and a religion.

    A Cult involves people following certain beliefs as in the case of a religion. However, practices and actions of a cult are unconventional compared to those of a religion. Cult members often live according to the dictates of their leaders.

    A religion is more open-minded compared to a cult because its adherents often hold beliefs in divine power through their faith. A cult is different from a religion because it does not conform to societal values.

    In addition, a cult has an education system that brainwash its members. The teachings of a cult often contradict those of a religion. Therefore, a cult is dangerous to followers, mainstream religions, and the society as a whole.

    A cult is profoundly different from a religion. A cult is often characterized by unorthodox and extremist ways of doing things. On the other hand, a religion is more open-minded and allows people to learn new things through asking questions.

    Unlike a cult, which limits interactions of its members with the rest of society, a religion allows its members to interact freely. Studies have established that a cult is dangerous because it brainwashes its followers through degrading morals and values about life, as well as belief in God.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Cult and Religion Differences Essay. (2023, Jan 08). Retrieved from

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