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    Creative Brainstorming Strategies to Use in the Classroom

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    I learned a lot by reading through all the brainstorming strategies. I think at various times they all could be used. I chose three that I felt could be used in my classroom that would be effective. Mind-mapping, backward brainstorm, and brainwriting pool are the three strategies I feel would be good to use. Mind- mapping is a strategy that is visual. Sometimes, it is easier to vision an idea when it is posted for a person to see. It tends to favor story-mapping, so kids may be able to understand this strategy quicker because most teachers do use story-mapping, so kids are used to this type of method. This strategy can lead to multiple solutions because each team can choose one solution written to elaborate on or teams could choose one decision then take that specific solution and use another brainstorming strategy to work out details for that solution. Since teams would choose the solution, there will be a variety of solutions with a mixture of viewpoints.

    Backward brainstorm would probably work well for the thinkers who tend to see the bad or negative in something before the positive. This strategy tends to find what is wrong and then investigate to see the positives. This type of strategy is a good way of getting rid of some solutions before going in too deep and allows more time for the solutions still left to develop and move forward with. One negative I do see with this approach is that it makes the pathway for the unsatisfactory solutions to shut down so quick that they may not have enough time to develop or generate other ideas from the solution.

    Brainwriting pool is easily done with any size of group. There is no pressure because ideas are written down privately. This allows each person to go as simple or all out on their ideas but no have the pressure of being embarrassed if someone does not like your ideas. This strategy is great because it is good to have someone’s ideas sometimes because a lot of times it will help your brain and thoughts to start waking up and the ideas could just come flying in!

    I can use all three of these strategies because the mind-mapping is familiar and some of my students are visual learners and may need the visual with their thinking skills too. The backward brainstorm is great because many times the students will explain what is wrong with something before talking about the good qualities in it. The brainwriting pool is a good strategy for the shy ones who have some great thoughts but may be too insecure to share them. It is also good for the ones who may think outside of the box and put some off the wall unique ideas but never would unless he/she had this private way of doing so.

    According to Bono, “there are six common roles that people play” when solving problems or thinking creatively. Since each group member has a purpose and will not be left out, it helps each one to be productive and focused on the purpose of the color he/she is wearing. This allows for a lateral type of thinking and participation because there is no certain order the hats need to stay in for each person’s ideas to be displayed for all to know.

    CoRT is a program designed by David & Rimm that was to help children learn thinking skills. The thinking skills taught help the students to form an action plan because Bono’s program teaches the students why each skill he/she is learning is important, the purpose of each skill taught and the proper environment or situation to use the learned skills. There is no pressure on the students because the skills learned also teach them how to respect others’ feelings as interaction and conversation about ideas begins in the group.

    Many techniques have the same skeleton such as figuring out what the problem is, gathering information about the problem, discussing ways to solve the problem, and following through with the solution or redirecting to find a different solution.

    Lateral thinking helps in finding more simple solutions on a broader range. When ideas are shared, it makes it easier sometimes for other to build on or add to those ideas which can create even more solutions to the problem.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Creative Brainstorming Strategies to Use in the Classroom. (2022, Nov 29). Retrieved from

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