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    Cosmetologist Career Research Paper

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    A Cosmetologist is a big branch of the beauty industry. Many of the beauty services that we get are performed by certified or licensed cosmetologists. They provide hair, skin, nails, makeup, and customer care. “Another thing that you need to realize about cosmetology is that depending on where you live, the things you learn in school might be a little bit different.” Rules and regulations must be followed by anyone who is licensed or in a school. There are endless possibilities in your creativity with the styles, color or adding that little design to the nail. “Depending on what kind of job you get or career path you choose to pursue, your day to day activities can look completely different” (Hair Professionals Career College).

    Wondering how to become a Cosmetologist, well it’s super easy. “All states require barbers, hairstylists, and cosmetologists to be licensed. To qualify for a license, candidates are required to graduate from a state-approved barber or cosmetology program and then pass a state exam for licensure.” You must go through internship through the schools. “These programs are mainly found in postsecondary vocational schools and typically lead to a postsecondary nondegree award or certificate”(Bureau of Labor). You’re required to do a 1500 hour program to go get your lisence. Also, the state has you take a written portion of the test and a practical test such as color retouches, blowdrying, haircutting etc.

    Dr. Mary Dowd says that “Licensing requirements vary by state, but aspiring cosmetologists need the following: a high school diploma or GED, a cosmetology training certificate or associate degree in cosmetology and supervised hands-on experience to be eligible to take their state’s cosmetology licensing exam.” Some cities provide a career college where people can go to school for 1500 hours and go to State Board to get their license.

    Some places take in any age group from 16 and up. “Success in the field depends on ability, motivation, work ethic and willingness to work long hours” (Dr. Mary Dowd). Every 2 years cosmetologists must go back and continue their education and learn more or new things. One day those people could own a salon, be a booth renter or just manage a salon. You must be able to attempt to meet the requests of the client about their service, or just simply let them know if it doesn’t come out how they want you can schedule another appointment and try again then.

    Cosmetology is growing and getting bigger. “Job prospects for cosmetologists look good, according to projections by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2016. The demand for this occupation will jump 13 percent between 2016 to 2026” (Dr. Mary Dowd). The salary range is usually around $29,500 or $30,000 a year or $14.23 per hour but thats without the tips you make with all services you provide. “Employment of barbers, hairstylists, and cosmetologists is projected to grow 13 percent from 2016 to 2026, faster than the average for all occupations. Population growth will lead to greater demand for hair care services” (Bureau of Labor).

    “Healthy looking hair is in general a sign of good health and good hair-care practices. Most healthy individuals have adequate nutrients in their diet” (The Trichology Society). Your hair is the fastest growing thing on your body next to bone marrow. Hair grows at ½ inch per month. Hair goes through three phases: Anagen, Catagen and Telogen. Anagen is where your hair is growing, Catagen is a phases between growing and resting, lastly Telogen is the final phase and the hair is resting. This cycle occurs every four to five years. On average 90% of your hair is growing and the other 10% is resting.

    Being a cosmetologist is being on your feet constantly so you wanna be ergonomically correct in order to not hurt or stress something in your body. The typical day to day salon is haircuts, color, and nails. Some salons open at nine in the morning and close at eight o’clock at night. You are constantly running around helping others or getting supplies you need for your next client. At most in a salon you will work around 40-50 hours a week depending if you own a salon too. You are not necessarily required to travel but if you would like to catch up on some new trends or visit some hair shows around the states just to broaden your horizon.

    Overall, Being a cosmetologist is about creativity, time-management, customer service skills, and listening skills. Be prepared to have days that are up and down. Sometimes things happen and you need to be able to try and fix the issue. “No matter what happens, control the outcome. Its on you” (Gillepsey). My intern shared this quote with me and I believe that not only cosmetologists need that everyone needs it.

    Works Cited

    1. Dowd, Mary. “What Kind of Education Is Required to Be a Cosmetologist?”, 1 Oct. 2018,
    2. “Nutrition and Hair Health.” The Trichological Society,
    3. Personal Interview, Jenna Gillepsey. October 21, 2018.
    4. “Summary.” U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 13 Apr. 2018,
    5. “What Does a Cosmetologist Do?” Hair Pros,

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    Cosmetologist Career Research Paper. (2022, Jan 27). Retrieved from

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