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    Comparison Parenting between Asian Parents and Western Parents Research Paper

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    Were your parent ever strict when you were in school, and you are younger about your grades, six selling in a sport, or music. Most of you can probably say no. Some parents still are strict, but not to the level that these parents can be.

    Amy Chow wrote the article that I chose, and the title of the article is, “Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior.” I chose this article because there’s definitely a noticeable difference in parenting styles, and I believe that because of a difference in cultures.

    The purpose of this article is to inform and teach the differences that there parenting wise compared to other cultures, and why they feel it’s so successful?

    In the article that says that Chinese mothers said that they believe their children can be the best. Students and that academic achievement reflect successful parenting and then if children did not excel at school then there was a problem and parents were not doing the job.

    I believe that most parents do feel this way. Regardless of what culture you’re in because you know that is your child and you do want them to excel in life. If you as a parent are not guiding your child in the right direction and encouraging them to want to be successful, and why would they feel the need to be.

    In the article, Amy Chua gives an example between a western child coming home with A-minus and a Chinese child coming home with A-minus. She is explaining that a western child would still get praised for the A-minus, and the Chinese child would most likely get scolded.

    The parent would try to figure out where they’re lacking in that subject and try to help them bring up that grade.

    When I was in China. If I was not on the Honorable my orphanage mom was on it. They will be calling the teachers or go to my school to see the teachers and trying to find out what I was lacking. As you know what whatever subject, it was at that time and trying to figure out what she needed to work on me with.

    The article also said that Chinese parents understand that nothing is interesting until you are good at it. In order to be good at anything you have to work hard, the children never want to work for themselves, which is why it is vital to transcend their preferences. I can agree with this on some levels, but others not so much.

    As far as usual Math, Science, English, or even learning a new language. Some kids do need that extra push, to practice, and study more just because of the lack of interest or the lack of understanding most of the time.

    Another thing mentioned in the article is that Chinese parents can get away with things that Western parents can’t. In Chinese culture, it’s acceptable to treat their children the way they do and to be so hard and strict with them. They assumed strength, not fragility as and as a result, they behave very differently.

    Western parents are more concerned about their child’s self-esteem, and how they feel. They won’t call a child a disgrace or a failure. Like a Chinese mother would because they don’t want the child to feel inadequate or insecure. Also, if a Western parent was to do this, it’s highly frowned upon.

    Another thing mentioned in her article is that Chinese parents think their children owe them everything. They are most likely to feel this because they sacrificed everything for their children. Such as long-term counseling or correction. They believe their children are obedient and proud of their lives.

    I like the language she uses in the article. The language in her article is heavily connotative because it’s all about the author lifestyle, and how she sees the differences in parenting, and her personal experiences with her daughters and about her culture.

    This article is one of most thought-provoking essays I read this semester. I chose this article because there’s definitely a noticeable difference in parenting styles. I believe that because of a difference in cultures.

    I do think that Chinese mothers are stricter and more firm with their children and that makes you a great parent, but I think every culture it has a different idea of what a superior parent should be. I believe it all depends on how you raised.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Comparison Parenting between Asian Parents and Western Parents Research Paper. (2023, Jan 13). Retrieved from

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