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    Compare how the poets present workmanship and their journey Essay

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    Compare how the poets present workmanship and their journey of life and composing ‘to a friend ‘Proven shakier and ‘on top’ Gary Snyder. By alterable Compare how the poets present workmanship and their journey of life and composing to a friend Proven shakier and ‘on top’ Gary Snyder. Introduction: ‘All you have to do then is wait and watch. New life will sprout’. I will explore the major theme relating it to liberation and the Journey of life and demonstrate this by comparing style, language and the importance in both poems by Proven shall and

    Gary Snyder and determine If this was expected or Intended. ‘On top’ by Gary Snyder Is a poem that symbolizes his personal Journey to life, and the aptitude of the path of life. The title of the poem ‘on top’ gives a sense of carrying the previous stuff to the top, the structure of layout of the poem has more depth in height of the paragraph then goes lower which relates to the title of the poem ‘on top’ ‘all this new stuff goes on top ‘and where his Journey begins. The word ‘inside out’ is an expression of inner-self to express his deep essence.

    It also shows he wrote this mom quite quickly turn it over, turn it over’ and they rhyme and is a simile and also demonstrates he does want to let it drag. This questions reader the voice of the poem is urging you to not let it drag and the repetition of the words create a vastness on the expression it Is trying to create. ‘A mind like compost’ a means of a whole new life. On the sixth stanza ‘let It spread through’ expresses all his emotions are combined together. It emphasis his emotions are In one bubble and makes us feel he has a sense of control. A mind like compost’ he implies an imagery of nature in and life in en concept. The word ‘compost’ may signify tranquility and how in the past indicating his serenity was disturbed by iniquity. For instance his new life is important to him Wait water down’ indicating he is cleansing everything out. This relates to him making a fresh start. ‘Sift down even’, from the dark to bottom these two stanza’s express him making a fresh start and getting rid of the old stuff.

    The last line of the poem ‘A mind like compost’ stands out from the rest of the poem simply because the poem Is written in 9 stanza’s and 8 of those stanza’s are close gather Like a paragraph and the last line of the poem ‘A mind like compost’ Is slightly at the bottom excluded from the other stanza’s as If It stands alone and has Its own meaning and new beginning which suggests a new chapter In his life. The language expressed In this poem Is very straightforward and valuable the word ‘It’ In the subject.

    Being in control is the subject of the title. The last line of the poem ‘a mind like compost’ it expresses he left all his old past behind and signifies everything is left behind. This suggests that his new found for life was not too long ago ‘a mind eke compost’ with the last line on its own shows it is unanswered still discovering his path. This shows us that he is still discovering himself and pauses at the end of the poem with uncertainty of his Journey of discovery.

    This structure of the poem has one rhyme in one stanza it achieved significance on the reader to become more interested keep reading the poem by the layout of phrasing the words. I feel a sense of liberation when I read this poem because everyone in their life feels emotions of having bad experiences and want to be on top of their lives. I think this poem is intended and aimed for people who are struggling with their life and the baby steps to get on top of things again due to the structure of the poem only has s 9 very short stanzas.

    Watch it sprout’ this word makes me feel enlightened and it makes me see life as a new beginning. The second poem I am going to discuss is to a friend’ is about holding on each opportunity life throws at you absorbing all of it and never miss a moment that might be precious. The title of the poem is quite ironical it emphasis her advice to a friend’ life should be embraced with each moment however implying she should be costive although life is against her. A person going through problems, Just like everyone else, and finding some sort of solution to repair them.

    The first six lines of the stanza it describes the person giving advice comfortably in a retrospect manner and saying her problems will fade away. And in the last line it describes every day is a bright day and she should forget the darkness. It gives us a image of a pattern commencing for instance ‘listen, girl, these moments are clouds: and ‘and sunshine can’t read road signs’ it gives us the image merging the poem half way throughout ND gives us the sense that we are there like the voice is speaking to us.

    It shows us we all have opportunities and not letting them go. It is not abnormal for opportunities to occur and how we let us pass by sometimes. In the third stanza expresses be as happy as you can be. It does show you should always please yourself. It is not shocking she uses the expression to be please yourself but as quoted prior to ‘listen, girl, these moments are clouds:’ the sixth stanza showed new things are emerging. And at the end of the poem ‘and sunshine can’t read road signs’ t gives significance of the poem that this is you’re moment to shine.

    It is an irony of how you’re life will be according to her and the words used in this poem for instance ‘listen girl’ there using words spoken in daily language. This idea showed is not using the proper use of English. In the poem we do not have too a great deal of information on this friend’ she is referring to, he/her is not named. It gives us influence on being fascinated on his/her life. There is no rhyming method in this poem this may suggest importance of hoe unpredictable this person life was. The poem’s tone is leveled pep your head up through all the hard times, a bright day is coming forgetting the darkness.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Compare how the poets present workmanship and their journey Essay. (2017, Dec 31). Retrieved from

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