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    Comforts of Home Notes Essay (399 words)

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    The Comforts of HomeCharacter Description V Sarah Ham:,Nymphomaniac Pg. 117,Konly nineteen years old. Pg. 119,Congenital liar.

    Pg. 121,Her hair was cut like a dogs or an elfs and she was dressed in the latest fashion. Pg. 122Thomas:,It was the first time in his thirty-five yearsK Pg. 116,Thomas loved his mother.

    Pg. 118,Thomas had inherited his fathers reason with his ruthlessness and his mothers love of good without her tendency to pursue it. Pg. 121,Born without the moral faculty V like somebody else would be born without a kidney or a leg. Pg. 118Themes VDomestic Disruption:,His mother, with her daredevil charity, was about to wreck the peace of the house.

    Pg. 116,If you bring that girl back into this house, I leave. You can choose V her or me. Pg. 116Moral Concerns:,Send her back to jail. Pg.

    118,Untouched by useless compassion, he would have pulled the necessary strings with his crony, the sheriff, and the girl would have been packed off to the state penitentiary to serve her time. Pg. 121,He reddened, feeling it beneath him to show contempt for any creature so pathetic. Pg. 123,Kthis would be his opportunity to tell the girl that unless she ceased to be a parasite on his mother, he would see to it, personally, that she was returned to jail.

    Pg. 125,His first instant of hope that she had cut her throatK Pg. 132,If she shoots herself, so much the better. Pg. 133,The old man would have been able with no qualms at all to get her drunk and send her out on the highway in his carK Pg.

    134,Go plant it in her pocketbook. Pg. 139References VColor:,was framed in pink rubber curlers Pg. 116,were the blue of great distances after sunset Pg. 117,he reddened, feeling it beneath him Pg.

    123,the light at the first intersection was red but he ignored it Pg. 125,then her small white crooked face appeared Pg. 126,wore her bathrobe and a grey turban around her head Pg. 127,his seersucker suit, his pink carefully-soiled shirt Pg. 131,glassy pale blue gaze Pg. 131,His pale blue eyes seemed to sweat in his broiling face Pg.

    135,lined with mustard-colored streaks/he opened one yellow eye Pg. 138,the little sluts black coat and red pocketbook were slung on the chair Pg. 139,his face burned an ugly dull red Pg. 140,whose face was now more grey then red Pg. 140

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    Comforts of Home Notes Essay (399 words). (2019, Jan 05). Retrieved from

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